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question réponse
pokazywanie przywództwa
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showing leadership
uświadomić ludziom
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make people aware of
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wahać się
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mów za siebie
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speak up for yourself
zaangażowany emocjonalnie
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emotionally invlolved
zmienić temat
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change the subject
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wysokie pensje
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high salaries
daj im przewagę
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give them the edge
pieniądze w grę
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money at stake
gracz amator
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amateur player
aspirujących sportowców
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aspiring athletes
substancje zakazane
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banned substances
skandale korupcyjne
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corruption scandals
nierówność płciowa
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gender inequality
przestrzegać zasad
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abide by the rules
arbitralne zasady
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arbitrary rules
naginać zasady
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bend the rules
egzekwować zasady
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enforce the rules
ustalić zasady
commencer à apprendre
establilish the rules

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