Andrew 57

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question réponse
spełnić marzenia
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make dreams come true
mury w mieście
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walls in the city
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niska świadomość zagrożeń
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low awareness of threats
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kuchnia węglowa
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coal kitchen
dymiło się
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it was smoking
wdychać smog
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breathe in smog
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środki ochrony roślin
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plant protection products
dbać o siebie
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to take care of oneself
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szyjka macicy
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cervix of uterus
wstydzimy się
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we are ashamed
zwężenie pochwy
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vaginal narrowing
zwłóknienie pochwy
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vaginal fibrosis
wzierniki ginekologiczne
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gynecological speculums
trudności z badaniem ginekologicznym
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difficulties with a gynecological examination

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