amuse, reindeer, wedding ceremony, pest, incriminate, skip, judgmental, she judges everyone, judgement, humble, evaluate, ambiguous, homelessness, numerous, foolishness, vision, foggy vision, distant, I cannot see from distant areas, to shout out

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His jokes always {bawią} the children.
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Amuse {əˈmjuːz}
A {szkodnik} can cause severe damage to the crops if not controlled.
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Pest {pest}
The new evidence might {obciążyć, obwinić} him with the crime.
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Incriminate {ɪnˈkrɪm.ɪ. neɪt}
Her {osądzające} remarks often hurt people's feelings.
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Judgmental {dʒʌdʒˈmen. təl}
{Ona ocenia wszystkich} without knowing their full stories.
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She Judges Everyone {ʃiː ˈdʒʌdʒ.ɪz ˈev.ri. wʌn}
His {osąd} was harsh and left no room for discussion.
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Judgement {ˈdʒʌdʒ. mənt}
The teacher will {ocenić} the students' projects tomorrow.
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Evaluate {ɪˈvæl.ju. eɪt}
The instructions were {dwuznaczne} and led to some confusion.
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Ambiguous {æmˈbɪɡ. ju.əs}
The city is launching a new program to combat {bezdomność}.
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Homelessness {ˈhəʊm. ləs. nəs}
She received {liczne} accolades for her groundbreaking research.
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Numerous {ˈnjuː. mə. rəs}
His constant {głupota} often lands him in trouble.
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Foolishness {ˈfuː. lɪʃ. nəs}
Her {wzrok} is so sharp that she can read from across the room.
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Vision {ˈvɪʒ.ən}
After waking up, he experienced a brief period of {zamglonego wzroku}.
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Foggy Vision {ˈfɒɡ. i ˈvɪʒ.ən}
They admired a {odległy} mountain range on the horizon.
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Distant {ˈdɪs. tənt}
{Nie widzę z daleka} because the view is obstructed.
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I Cannot See from Distant Areas {aɪ ˈkæn. nɒt siː frɒm ˈdɪs. tənt ˈeə. ri.əz}
At the concert, he {krzyknął} out the names of his favorite songs.
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To Shout Out {tuː ʃaʊt aʊt}
They {zamieszkują} in a peaceful village in the countryside.
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To Reside {rɪˈzaɪd}
There is a strict {ograniczenie} on entering the restricted area.
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Restriction {rɪˈstrɪk.ʃən}
A skilled {złodziej} stole her handbag in the crowded market.
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Thief {θiːf}
The police caught several {złodziei} during the heist.
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Thieves {θiːvz}
{Zawiodłeś mnie} by breaking your promise.
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You Disappointed Me {juː ˌdɪs.əˈpɔɪn. tɪd miː}
Please {podłącz} the cable to the charger.
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To Plug {tuː plʌɡ}
The {przygotowanie} for the exam started weeks ago.
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Preparation {ˌprep.əˈreɪ.ʃən}
The {koncepcja} behind the design is truly innovative.
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Concept {ˈkɒn. sept}
He rested against a massive {pień drzewa} during the hike.
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Tree Trunk {triː trʌŋk}
He used a {piła łańcuchowa} to cut down the old tree.
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Chainsaw {ˈtʃeɪn. sɔː}
{Nie złość się na mnie}, I truly regret my mistake.
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Don't Be Angry at Me {dəʊnt biː ˈæŋ.ɡri æt miː}
He loves to {drażnić} his little sister in a playful way.
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Tease {tiːz}

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