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Anne Bradstreet
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Upon the burning of our house (Puritan)
Upon a Spider Catching a Fly
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Edward Taylor (Puritan)
William Bradford
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of Plymouth Plantation (Puritan)
Samuel Sewall
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the Diary of Samuel Sewall (Great Awakening)
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
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Jonathan Edwards (Great Awakening)
Benjamin Franklin
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Autobiography (Enlightenment)
Nathaniel Hawthorne
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The Scarlet Letter (Romanticism)
Emily Dickinson
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poetry (Romanticism)
Moby Dick
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Herman Melville (Romanticism)
Walt Whitman
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Song of Myself (Romanticism)
the Raven
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Edgar Allan Poe (Dark Romanticism)
Ralph Waldo Emerson
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The American Scholar / Self-reliance (Transcendentalism)
Walden / Civil Disobedience
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Henry David Thoreau (Transcendentalism)
Portrait of a Lady
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Henry James (Realism)
Mark Twain
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Huck Finn (Realism)
Maggie: A Girl of the Streets
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Stephen Crane (Naturalism)
Theodore Dreiser
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Sister Carrie / An American Tragedy (Naturalism)
The Jungle
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Upton Sinclair (Naturalism)
Jack London
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To Build A Fire (Naturalism)
The Awakening
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Kate Chopin (Regionalism)
Ezra Pound
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Cantos (Modernism)
The Waste Land
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T. S. Eliot (Modernism)
Ernest Hemingway
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The Sun Also Rises (Modernism)
The Great Gatsby
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Francis Scott Fitzgerald (Modernism)
William Faulkner
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Absalom, Absalom (modernism)
John Steinbeck
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Of Mice and Men / the Grapes of Wrath (not-modernism)
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Joseph Heller (Post-Modernism)
Kurt Vonnegut
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Slaughterhouse-five (Post-Modernism)
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Vladimir Nabokov (Postmodernism metafiction)
Donald Barthelme
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Snow White (postmodernism metafiction)
Blood Meridian
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Cormac McCarthy (postmodernism)
Death of a Salesman
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Arthur Miller (postmodernism)
A Street named desire
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Tennessee Williams (postmodernism)
J. D. Salinger
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The Catcher in the Rye (Postmodernism, tranquilized fifties)
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Allen Ginsberg (postmodernism, beatnik)
On the Road
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Jack Kerouac (Postmodernism, beatnik)
Ken Kesey
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One Flew Over the Coocoo's Nest (postmodernism, beatnik)
Invisible Man
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Ralph Ellison (postmodernism, existentialism. Harlem Renaissance)
Notes of a native son
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James Baldwin (postmodernism, existentialism, Harlem Renaissance)
Saul Bellow
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Henderson the Rain King (postmodernism, existentialism, Jewish)

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