Amerykańscy autorzy - wykłady

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Edward Taylor
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Impacted by Metaphysical Poets; used conceits; explored the concept of God's Grace
Anne Bradstreet
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America's first published poet; wrote about religious issues and domestic life
William Bradford
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One of the Pilgrim Fathers; wrote in 3rd person objective account; his main ideas were: God's Providence, Puritans and the Chosen People, America as a Promised Land and American dream
John Winthrop
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He delivered a sermon on the deck of the Mayflower - "A Modell of Christian Charity"; hisi style: biblical quotations and allusions, repetition, plain style; Themes: the idea of Christian Charity, a covenant with the Lord and Puritans as Chosen People
Samuel Sewall
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the Greatest Puritan diarist; the participant of Salem Witch Trials; he wrote records of gradual secularization of New England
Cotton Mather
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He wrote a complete historical account of America - "Magnalia Christi Americana"
Mary Rowlandson
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Captured by Nativa Americans during King Philip's War in 1676; she wrote "The Narrative of Captivity and Restoration" - a prototype for captivity narratives; it was a bestseller and a document of colonial America; it gave insight into Puritan mind
Jonathan Edwards
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wanted to revive Puritan soul in people through his sermons; The Great Awakening (1730s); "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" - a powerful sermon; Fire and brimstone rethoric
Thomas Paine
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Known as a Father of the American Revolution; he wrote a pamphlet "Common Sense"
Thomas Jefferson
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A Founding Father, President; he wrote "The Declaration of Independence"; he had direct and clear style; rational and logical
Benjamin Franklin
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an inventor, publisher and politician; he believed that writing should be smooth, clear and short; began publishing "Poor Richard's Almanac"; the grandfather of American aphorism
Ralph Waldo Emerson
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essayist and lecturer; initially a minister; he founded the Transcendental Club; his essays were the beginning of American cultural independence; he is believed to start Transcendentalism
Margaret Fuller
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American writer, journalist and philosopher; the firts American Feminist; talked about the situation of women and integrity
Henry David Thoreau
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American Transcendental writer; Emerson's friend; a naturalist and an early conservationist; a political radical and critic of society; interested in the protection of the natural environment
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
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great popularity; the Fireside Poet; he wrote short lyric poems and long narrative poems; occupied with didacticism; American themes; gathered Indian folklore
Walt Whitman
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a common man; a follower of Transcendentalism; revolutionary poet (no rhymes, without any standards and conventions); introduced catalog in literature; an inventor of free verse; themes: America, democracy, individualism, humanity, eroticism
Emily Dickinson
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an eccenrtic recluse; idiosyncratic poetry; unpublished in the lifetime; condensed form, random capitalization, unconventional punctuation, strange syntax, ellipsis, slant rhymes, no titles, combination of technical vocabulary with spiritual issues
Charles Brockden Brown
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the father of the American novel; Gothic novels/American Gothic
Washington Irving
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1st American proffesional writer; Father of the American short story; local color literature pioneer; adapted German folk tales
James Fenimore Cooper
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Master of historical fiction; inspired by captivity narratives; proved that American setting and history provide great material for prose
Nathaniel Hawthorne
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Puritan background; wrote romances; focused on inner life of his characters; highly symbolic texts; themes: moral allegories, the dark side of human nature, the sinful man, hypocrisy, sin and guilt, internal conflicts, religion, puritan past
Herman Melville
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experience-based marine fiction; bestnovels unappreciated in his lifetime; tendency towards philosophical considerations
Mark Twain
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Samuel Clemens; accused of being racist; shared many of experiences of poor slave's treatment; writing style: humor, satire, social criticism, linguistic realism
Kate Chopin
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another regionalist; setting: Creole Louisiana; first-wave feminism
Henry James
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a realist; encouraged others to write in a realistic way; an expatriate; literature of manners and international theme; psychological realism; "The Art of Fiction"; fascinated with differences between Europeans and Americans
Charles Darwin
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in "On the Origin of Species" talked about natural selection and the survival fo the fittest in the natural environment; impact on how society was perceived and how it was described in literature
Stephen Crane
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his characters were determined by fate and circumstances
Theodore Dreiser
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on the dark side of the American Dream
Jack London
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an adventurer and a traveller; a sailor; observer of a nature; wrote experience-based works; Alaska - common setting of his works; impacted by Darwin's theories; environment + heredity; socialism; commercial succcess; extremely prolific
Edgar Allan Poe
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associated with Dark Romanticism; Gothic fiction; inventor of detective story; poetry: atttention paid to the form, melodic, mysterious, and dreamlike atmosphere; supernatural stories/ tales of horror; detective stories/tales of ratiocination (INVENTOR);
Edgar Lee Masters
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"Spoon River Anthology"/ the "Chicago School" of poetry/Chicago Renaissance
Carl Sandburg
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The "Chicago School" of poetry/Chicago Renaissance; impacted by Whitman in both form and content
Robinson Jeffers
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Californian regional poet; environmental concers; inhumanism vs anthropocentrism
Ezra Pound
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key modernist; an expatriate; translations of poetry; CREATOR OF IMAGISM; condensation/compression; rejection of poetic style; direct, precise language; originatily: "Make it New!"; the reader is involved; freedom of interpretation
William Carlos Williams
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represented the American variety of Modernism; rejected expatriation and international poetry; localist poetry; rejected the classicism and academicism of Pound and Eliot; impact of imagism; in favour of depicting real objects
e. e. cummings
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used unconventional form; he used lowe case letters, experimentation with punctuation and syntax; concrete poetry; captured the mood of the era
Langston Hughes
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representative of Harlem Renaissance; a novelist, songwriter, biographer, editor, newspaper columnist, translator and lecturer; modern urban black experience; poetry of social protest
Robert Frost
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a transitional poet; a regional/rular poet (New England); deceptively simple poems with deeper meaning; dramatic narrative poems; recited his poetry at Kennedy's inauguration
Sinclair Lewis
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Nobel Prize, 1930; satirical novels; small-town America; local colour
Sherwood Anderson
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a link between naturalism and modernism; great impact on modernist writers; everyday lanugage. simple style; emphasis on psychological insights; narrative experimentation (fragmentation, mutltiple narration, non-linear)
Ernest Hemingway
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Nobel in 1954; a novelist, short story writer; a war reporter-WW I; the Lost Generation;"grace under pressure"; "iceberg technique"; simple language; masculinity; man vs. nature; reading between the lines
William Faulkner
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south. persp.+modernist style; historical, social changes in the South; experimental; psych. analysis; Old SouthvsNew South, slavery, racism, no values; stream of conscious., fragmentation, multiple narrators, flashbacks/foreshadowing, Nobel Prize in 1949
Francis Scott Fitzgerald
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a novelist and short story writer; screenwriter in Hollywood; the Lost Generation; "the chronicler of the Jazz Age"; the extravagance of the upper classes; the dissolution of the American Dream; the figure of a flapper; borrowed his wife's notes
John Dos Passos
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Lost Generation; experimental fiction (mixing facts and fiction, "newsreel" passages, collage, "camera eye" technique; collective focus of his novels; impact of cubism, impressionism, Jazz and film
John Steinbeck
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Social protest novels; themes: Great Depression, the lives of migrant workers, unavailability of American Dream; no experimentation, realism; elements of naturalism (California - local color fiction); Nobel Prize in 1962
Richard Wright
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Black Protest novel; themes: racial oppression, search of personal identity; wrote about systemic racism;
Eugene O'Neil
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experimentation; psychological realism; expressionism; used Freud's philosophy; the first American playwright who won the Nobel Prize in 1936
Arthur Miller
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explored issues of morality and individual responsibility; used family portraits; social realism - on the importance of success in American society; briefly married to Marilyn Monroe
Tennessee Williams
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a Southern playwright; psychological realism; social realism; symbolism; naturalism; introduced the theme of homosexuality
Allen Ginsberg
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the Beat Generation; influenced by Walt Whitman; style: spontaneous, taboo-breaking, emotional, long-lined poetry, free verse, oral and repetitive
Robert Lowell
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started as one of the traditional poets; later turned to more emotional poetry; started a new type of poetry: confessional poetry
Sylvia Plath
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the most famous representative of confessional poetry; suffered from mental problems; poetry was a reflection of her life; female perspective; a feminist voice; also wrote about sexism of American society; husband: Ted Hughes - a British poet
Isaac Bashevis Singer
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a Polish-American writer; wrote in Yiddish; Nober Prize in 1972
Saul Bellow
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Jewish-American characters, but his works were representative of the whole America; Nobel Prize in 1976
John Barth
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precursor of postmodernism; "Literature of Exhaustion" - writer needs to "recycle" the previous works
Joseph Heller
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known for writing novels with a satirical perspectibe of WW II; Catch-22 - term that has become a symbol of a difficult circumstance with no escape
Thomas Pynchon
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writes about modern history, but combines it with fiction; main motif: global conspiracies and state of paranoia; encyclopedic novels
Don DeLillo
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an influential American novelist, playwright and essayist; exploration of contemporary American culture; satirical take on consumer culture, technology and media saturation
Kurt Vonnegut
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known for blending satife, black humour and science fiction; mocking tone, irony; grotesque ans surreal characters; style: minimalism + irony; Pacifism
J. D. Salinger
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best known for the novel "The Catcher in the Rye" - exploring adolescent alienation
Vladimir Nabokov
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a Russian-American novelist, poet and entomologist; intricate structure, playful use of language and complex characters
Toni Morrison
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an American novelist, editor and professor; issues of race, identity, beauty, slavery, motherhood, trauma, gender; Nobel Prize in 1993, first African-American woman who received the Nobel Prize
Alice Walker
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a prominent American author, poet and activist; exploration of African-American culture, feminiest themes, racism and sexism; social commentary, civil rights, women's rights and environmental sustainability
Jack Kerouac
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Jack Kerouac Anglais
the Beat Generation; "On the Road" - a defining work for the Beat Generation; freedom, spirituality, search for authenticity, increasingly conformist society; inprovisational rythm, vivid descriptions

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