alternatives for do/get expressions

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do research/do a research project
commencer à apprendre
carry out/conduct a research project into sth
do a course(zrobic kurs)
commencer à apprendre
enrol on a course/take a course
do a degree/do a diploma
commencer à apprendre
study for a degree/take a degree in Electrical Engineering
do a subject
commencer à apprendre
study/take subject (take history and economics)
do an essay/assingment
commencer à apprendre
write an essay/assignment
do a lecture/do a talk
commencer à apprendre
give a lecture/a talk
get a degree/a diploma
commencer à apprendre
to obtain a degree/to be awarded a diploma/degree in sth
get a grade
commencer à apprendre
Her essay was given an A-grade/received an A-grade
get an education
commencer à apprendre
receive a (basic) education
get a qualification
commencer à apprendre
obtain/acquire a qualification in sth
do a course
commencer à apprendre
complete the course
odbyc zajecia
commencer à apprendre
hold class
send essay
commencer à apprendre
hand in essay
send an application
commencer à apprendre
submit an application
leave the course
commencer à apprendre
withdraw from the course
prowadzić zeszyt
commencer à apprendre
keep a notebook
ostateczny szkic
commencer à apprendre
a final draft
wersja robocza/pierwszy szkic
commencer à apprendre
a first draft
ocenić czyjaś pracę
commencer à apprendre
give sb feedback
ocena ciągła(bez egzaminu)
commencer à apprendre
continuous assessment
mieć ciągłą ocenę
commencer à apprendre
to have continuous assessment

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