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this is one of the photos
morze śródziemnomorskie
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Mediterranean sea
to jest lokalny zabytek
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this is a local monument
po prawej stronie
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on the right
po lewej stronie
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on the left
Casa carbonelli to wyjątkowy budynek
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Casa carbonelli is a unique building
to miejsce Kultury
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this place of Culture
bardzo bogato zdobiony dach
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very richly decorated roof
budynek położony w centrum miasta
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building located in the city center
zamek Świętej Barbary
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Saint Barbara Castle
położone na wzgórzu 11-wieczny zamek
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11th-century castle located on a hill
tam jest szeroki chodnik
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there is a wide sidewalk there
ułożony w fale
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arranged in waves
to zdjęcie które ja zrobiłam
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this is a photo I took
które ja zrobiłam
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which I made
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specyficzny chodnik
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a specific sidewalk
zrobiony z małych kawałków mozaiki
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made of small pieces of mosaic
w kształcie fal
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in the shape of waves
Zabrakło nam czasu
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We ran out of time
wygląda jak fale
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looks like waves
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Wąska ulica
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Narrow street
z wielkimi grzybami
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with large mushrooms
pośród kolorowych Kamienic
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among colorful tenement houses

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