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to move easily without stopping and without effort or noise commencer à apprendre
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a woman who has control over or responsibility for someone or something; a woman who is having a sexual relationship with a married man commencer à apprendre
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to make a bad situation worse commencer à apprendre
Attempts to restrict parking in the city centre have further aggravated the problem of traffic congestion.
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to follow someone or something, usually to try to catch him, her, or it: commencer à apprendre
The hunters spent hours pursuing their prey.
said or done in a hurry, sometimes without the necessary care or thought commencer à apprendre
Some thought the government acted too hastily.
increasing or becoming darker commencer à apprendre
They felt a deepening sense of despair.
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I thought him a harmless fool
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to move up or to a higher position
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The house was ablaze, and the flames and smoke could be seen for miles around.
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a stupid or awkward person who lives in the countryside rather than a town, especially one whose appearance is in some way strange or humorous commencer à apprendre
He plays the country yokel in the butter ad.
to imagine or think that something is so commencer à apprendre
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to walk in a slow relaxed way, especially for pleasure commencer à apprendre
We could stroll along the beach after dinner.
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zamiast "ok", "sure"
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zamiast "change"
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zamiast "problem", "issue"
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zamiast "awesome"
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zamiast "easy"
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zamiast "impact"
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It's such as the previous task.
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in a weak way, without energy, strength, or power: commencer à apprendre
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przyznać się do zrobienia czegoś źle commencer à apprendre
No one has owned up to stealing the money.
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Aside from being a great football player...
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to have heard of someone or something and be able to give a small amount of information about him, her, or it: commencer à apprendre
Do you know of a good doctor?