Aleksandra 27th Feb (45 min)

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a struggle
Waking up early has always been a struggle for me.
trzymam kciuki
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fingers crossed
jeśli dobrze pamiętam,...
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If I remember correctly,...
z drugiej strony
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on the other hand
On the one hand, I’d love to go on holiday, but on the other hand, I have a lot of work to do.
czuć się bezpiecznie
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to feel safe
w przeciwnym razie
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mleko modyfikowane
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jest karmiony mlekiem modyfikowanym
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he's on formula
karmić piersią
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to breastfeed
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to feed - fed - fed
kasza manna
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metoda prób i błędów
Developing a good morning routine requires trial and error to see what works best.
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trial and error
Learning to cook a perfect cake takes trial and error, but each attempt brings me closer to success.
pokarmy stałe
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I started giving my baby solids when he turned 6 months old.
pozwolić komuś coś zrobić
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to allow sb to do sth
Zapaam sens.
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I got the gist.
radzić sobie z czymś
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to cope with sth
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radzić sobie z czymś
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to deal with sth / to handle sth
surowy ojciec
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a strict father
zdiagnozowano u niej...
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she was diagnosed with...
tiki ruchowe
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motor ticks
różnić się
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to differ
Prices differ from store to store, so it's worth comparing before buying.
te objawy
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these symptoms
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lęk / niepokój
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wywołać coś
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to trigger sth
atak lęku
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an anxiety attack
niespokojny / zestresowany
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a disorder
zespół Downa
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Down syndrome
ustawić budzik na 7:00
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to set an alarm for 7:00
Mój budzik zadzwonił o 6:00.
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My alarm went off at 6:00.

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