Al supermercato, al ristorante, in gelateria

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question réponse
A coffee for me
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Per me un caffè
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With honey
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Al miele
It is a croissant integrated with honey
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È un cornetto integrale al miele
Chocolate, jam, pistachio
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Al cioccolato, marmellata, pistacchio
The bill
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Lo scontrino
At the desk
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Al banko
At the table
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Al tavolo
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La Mancia
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First dishes
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Primi piatti
per primo prendo
Second courses
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Secondi piatti
per secondo prendo
Side Dishes
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Do you have a free table?
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Avete un tavolo libero?
For how many people?
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Per quante persone?
We are two
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Siamo in due
What do you recommend?
Co Pan nam poleca?
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Che cosa ci consiglia?
What can I bring you to drink?
co przynieść wam do picia?
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Che cosa/Cosa vi porto da bere?
A liter of white wine
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Un litro di vino bianco
A bottle of sparkling water
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Una bottiglia di acqua frizzante
Natural water
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L'acqua naturale
House wine
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Vino della casa
In or out
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Dentro o fuori
What is your specialty?
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Qual è la vostra/tua specialità?
First I would like
jako pierwsze poproszę
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Come primo vorrei
I'll take it as a second course
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Come secondo prendo
I skip the first one
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Salto il primo
Can you bring us some bread?
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Ci può portare del pane?
Sorry, can you bring us the bill, please
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Scusi, ci può portare il conto, per favore
Sure, I'll bring it right away
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Certo, lo porto subito
Share the bill
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Fare alla Romana
Facciamo alla Romana
A cone
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Un cono
A cup
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Un coppetta
For me a medium cone
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Per me un cono medio
I would like a large cup
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Vorrei un coppetta grande
How many flavors can I choose?
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Quanti gusti posso scegliere?
What do we put in?
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Cosa mettiamo dentro?
Co do srodka, jakie smaki
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Frutti di bosco
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Milk cream
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Fior di latte
Fruits and vegetables
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Frutta e verdura
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I broccoli
The lettuce
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La lettuga
The eggplants
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Le melanzane
The onions
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Le cipolle
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I pomodori
The artichokes
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I carciofi
The peppers
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I peperoni
The courgettes
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Le zucchine
The oranges
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Le arance
The figs
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I fichi
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Le pesche
The grapes
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No thanks, that's enough
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No grazie, basta cosi
Wants more?
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Vuole altro?
Do you need anything else?
potrzebujesz czegoś jeszcze
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Le serve altro?
Could you give me a bag?
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Mi potrebbe dare una sacchetto?
Please give me a kilo of oranges
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Mi dia per favore un chilo di arance
How much do you want?
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Quanto ne vuole?
How can I help you?
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Come posso aiutarla?
to take away
na wynos
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da portare via/ da asporto
First I will pay, tak a receipt
najpierw zapłacę w kasie (wezmę paragon)
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Prima faccio lo scontrino alla cassa
Have you already paid?
Czy już Pan zapłacił?
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Ha già pagato?
Here is the receipt
tutaj jest paragon
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Ecco lo scontrino
Do you have breakfast at home or the bar?
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Fate colazione a casa o al bar?
Oggi faciamo colazione al bar
What's inside?
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Cosa c'è dentro?
It's a simple croissant, with butter
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È un cornetto semplice, al burro
It's a stuffed
jest nadziane, pelne
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È un cornetto ripieno
al cioccolato, al pistacchio, alla crema
yes, willingly!
tak, chętnie!
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si, volentieri!
I pay for
płacę za
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pago per
is this fresh orange juice?
Czy to jest świeżo wyciśnięty sok?
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Questa è una spremuta di arancia?
How much is a grapefruit juice and a cheese sandwich
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Quanto è un succo di pompelmo e un panino al formaggio
Let's go to the bar to have an aperitif
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Andiamo al bar a prendere un aperitivo/a fare un aperitivo
I would like a salami sandwich
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vorrei un panino con salame al tavolo
a tuna sandwich
chleb tostowy z tunczykiem
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un tramezzino al tonno
Can I have a glass of water
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Posso avere un bicchiere/una bottiglia d'aqua
sparkling, carbonated, natural, still water
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l'aqua frizzante, gassata, naturale, liscia
a deca, a decaffeinated coffee
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un deca, un caffè decaffeinato
a hot chocolate with cream
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una cioccolata calda con panna
a scoop of ice cream
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una pallina di gelato
un gusto, due gusti
For me a lemon ice cream
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Per me un gelato al limone, alla nocciola
a lemon sorbet
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un sorbetto al limone
for me a coffee granita
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per me una granita al caffè
for me two scoops of ice cream in a cone, with cream
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per me due palline di gelato in cono, con panna
Menu of the day
zestaw dnia
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Menù/piatto del giorno
il Menù
the wine list
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la carta dei vini
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il piatto
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hot table
restauracja serwująca dania w krótkim czasie
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tavola calda
the house specialty
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la specialità della casa
the typical/regional dish
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il piatto tipico/regionale
the vegetarian dish
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il piatto vegetariano
There's a restaurant nearby
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C'è un ristorante qui vicino
Can I, could I have the menu, please
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posso, potrei avere il menù, per favore
we would like to order
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vorremmo ordinare
an iced coffee by the glass
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un caffe freddo al vetro
with soy milk
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con latte di soia
a barley coffee
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un caffè d'orzo
a chocolate swirl
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una girella al cioccolato
a donut with jam
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un bombolone con la marmellata
What kind of fruit juices do you have?
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Che tipo di succhi di frutta avete?
with grilled vegetables
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con verdure grigliate
What fruit flavors do you have?
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che gusti alla frutta avete?
w lodziarni
Do you have any dairy-free flavors?
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avete dei gusti senza latte?

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