Agata Woźnicka 9th May (trail)

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question réponse
i to wszystko
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and that's all
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Jaka jest wymowa tego słowa?
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What's the pronunciation of this word?
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a word
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to work
Pracuję w Legionowie.
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I work in Legionowo.
Ona pracuje w Niemczech.
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She works in Germany.
Mieszkam w Warszawie.
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I live in Warsaw.
Ona mieszka w Polsce.
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She lives in Poland.
poczekaj (chwilę)
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wait a moment / just a sec / hold on (a moment)
On ma na imię Darek.
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His name IS Darek. / His name's Darek.
W wolnym czasie gram w tenica i czytam książki.
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In my free time I play tennis and I read books.
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to carry on/ to continue
proszę kontynuuj
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please carry on
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a surname
Jakie jest twoje nazwisko?
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What's your surname?
Jestem instruktorką fitnessu i fizjoterapeutką.
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I'm a fitness instructor and a physio.
Czym się zajmujesz? (praca)
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What do you do (for a living)?
Chcę poprawić mój angielski.
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I want to improve my English.
Urodziłam się w Warszawie.
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I WAS born in Warsaw.
Do NOT say: I born in Warsaw.

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