Agata 6th Sept (45 min)

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question réponse
To była długa noc.
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It was a long night.
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a suit
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a tie
I think you should put on a tie.
Czy myślisz, że mogę zdjąć krawat?
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Do you think I can take off my tie.
Nie pasuje (to) na ciebie.
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It doesn't fit you.
One nie pasują (np. są za małe).
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They don't fit me.
pan młody
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a groom
Bardzo ją lubię.
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I like her a lot.
Ona jest ode mnie młodsza.
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She's younger than me.
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to present sth
Jego mama może być w twoim wieku.
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His mum might be your age.
Wyglądasz jak twoja mama.
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You look like your mum.
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You look stunning.
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bardzo smaczne
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very tasty / delicious
do not say: very delicious
Siedzimy przy stole.
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We are sitting at the table.
Trudno to wyjaśnić.
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It's difficult to explain.
Napisałam wiadomość do panny młodej.
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I texted the bride.
a ja? / A co ze mną?
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How about me?
Zamierzam pospać dłużej po weselu.
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I'm going to sleep in after the wedding.
Miałaś dać mi znać o której chcesz zacząć.
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You were supposed to let me know what time you want to start.
mieć coś zrobić
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to be supposed to do sth
We were supposed to leave Warsaw at midnight.
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