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powiedzieć komuś komplement commencer à apprendre
to pay a compliment TO sb
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How are you feeling today?
Jak się czułaś w weekend? commencer à apprendre
How did you feel on/at the weekend?
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Spałam dobrze, ale zasnęłam późno. commencer à apprendre
I slept well but I fell asleep very late.
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. commencer à apprendre
I fell asleep at midnight but she fell alseep at 11. What time did you fall asleep?
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like mother, like daughter
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I can't memorise THESE Chinese characters.
Gdy byłam dzieckiem, często bawiłam się z moją siostrą. commencer à apprendre
When I was a kid, I often playED with my sister.
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Gdy byłam dzieckiem bałam się pająków. commencer à apprendre
When I was a kid, I was scared OF spiders.
Czy boisz się pająków i węży? commencer à apprendre
Are you scared of snakes and spiders?
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I'm scared of nothing. / I'm not scared of anything.
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She is scared of the dark.
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When she got off the bus.
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Ona została uderzona przez samochód. commencer à apprendre
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To był bardzo straszny moment dla mojej rodziny. commencer à apprendre
It was a very scary moment for my family.
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under the influence (of alcohol)
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Ten chłopiec jest w wieku Alby. commencer à apprendre
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