Agata 23rd Feb (45 min)

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question réponse
nie ma sprawy
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that's all right / no worries / no problem at all
nakładać coś na coś (np. Krem na twarz)
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to apply sth on sth
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to może się przydać
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it might come IN handy
Jeśli ona dostanie tę pracę, jej rodzice będą bardzo dumni.
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If she gets that job, her parents will be very proud.
Gdybym była mężczyzną, poszłabym do łóżka z kobietą.
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If I were a man, I would have sex with a woman.
Gdybym miała pięcioro dzieci, zwariowałabym.
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If I had five children, I would go crazy/ I would go nuts.
wpaść na kogoś
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to bump into sb / to run into sb
The other day I bumped into my old friend.
The other day I ran into my old friend.
Gdybym nie wpadła na Ulę w Suwałkach, nie mieszkałybyśmy razem w Warszawie.
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If I hadn't bumped into Ula in Suwalki, we wouldn't have lived together in Wasraw.
twoja kolej
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your turn
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I studied midwifery.
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Ula was stupid enough to study tourism. What a waste of time!
przypadkowy / losowy
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I have a random question.
przystanek autobusowy
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a bus stop
Jestem na przystanku autobusowym.
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I'm AT a bus stop.
na dachu
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on the roof
na podłodze
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on the floor
na stacji autobusowej
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AT a bus station
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a tip / advice
I need some advice ON which computer to buy.
My mum GAVE me some advice yesterday.
Jaka szkoda!
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What a shame!
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Jest 5 stopni.
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It's 5 degrees Celsius.
Mamusiu, przytulmy się i pogódźmy się.
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Mummy, let's hug it out.
zrelaksować się
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to wind down
I find it difficult to wind down after a day at work.
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Holly suffered from insomnia caused by stress at work.

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