Adrian 6th Dec

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question réponse
Nie mogę narzekać.
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I can't complain.
narzekać na coś
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to complain about sth
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a price
Większość osób narzeka na wysokie ceny.
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Most people complain about high prices.
To jest wysoki budynek.
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it's a HIGH building.
to nie brzmi dobrze
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it doesn't sound WELL
przymiotnik (opisuje rzeczowniki)
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an adjective
przysłówek (opisuje czasowniki)
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an adVERB
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a verb
Jest bardzo głośny.
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He's very loud.
Ona śpiewa bardzo głośno. (teraz)
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She is singing very loud.
To dobre pytanie.
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It's a good question.
Jak poszło?
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How did it go?
Poszło dobrze.
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It went well.
Nie poszło dobrze.
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It didn't go well.
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the fifth
Kiedy są twoje urodziny?
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When is your birthday?
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Urodziła się 1 lipca.
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She was born on the 1st of July.
w tygodniu
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on weekdays
W weekendy chodzę spać trochę później.
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On weekends I go to sleep a bit later.
W szkole mogę codziennie kupić pizzę.
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At school I can buy pizza every day.
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a canteen
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to jest pyszne
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it's delicious
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tasty / yummy

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