Adrian 3rd Aug

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question réponse
Jak się masz?
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How are you? / How are you doing?
Nie czytam książki teraz.
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I'm not reading a book now.
Nie jem teraz jabłka.
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I'm not eating an apple now.
Ona nie śpi teraz.
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She is not sleeping now. / She isn't sleeping now.
Nie oglądamy telewizji teraz.
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We're not watching TV now. / We aren't watching tv now.
Pijesz teraz herbatę?
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Are you drinking tea now?
Czy oni idą teraz do szkoły?
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Are they going to school now?
Czy on teraz pracuje?
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Is he working now?
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od czasu do czasu
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from time to time
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tłumaczyć (np. na angielski)
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to translate (into English)
raz w tygodniu
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once a week
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a month
raz w miesiącu
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once a month
dwa razy w tygodniu
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twice a week
trzy razy w tygodniu
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three times a week
Codziennie jem śniadanie o 10.
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Every day I eat breakfast at 10.
Codziennie ON je śniadanie o 10.
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Every day he eatS breakfast at 10.
Raz w tygodniu on idzie do kina.
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Once a week he goES to the cinema.
Codziennie moja mama pije kawę.
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Every day my mum drinkS coffee.

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