Adrian 27th Jan

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źle się czuć
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to be unwell
to be under the weather
Jestem chory.
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I'm sick. / I'm unwell.
Źle się czuję.
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I'm under the weather.
Jestem przeziębiony.
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I have a cold.
Mam grypę.
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I have the flu.
Ona ma grypę.
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She has the flu.
On nie ma psa.
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He hasn't got / He doesn't have a dog.
Nie mam kota.
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I haven't got / I don't have a cat.
Czy ty masz psa?
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Do you have a dog? / Have you got a dog?
Czy ona ma kota?
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Does she have a cat? / Has she got a cat?
Czy masz jakieś pytania?
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Have you got any questions?
Nie mam żadnych pytań.
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I don't have any questions. / I haven't got any questions.
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a snail
pierogi / kołduny
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Pozwól, że pomyślę.
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Let me think.
nosić (ubranie)
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to wear - wore - worn
Co masz na sobie teraz?
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What are you wearing now?
Mam na sobie t-shirt w paski i szorty.
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I'm wearing a stripy t-shirt and shorts.
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a pocket
Włóż ten klucz do kieszeni.
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Put this key in your pocket.
Sprawdź swoje kieszenie.
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Check your pockets.
ten długopis
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this pen
te długopisy
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these pens
te telefony
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these phones
ci chłopcy
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these boys
tamten samochód
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that car
tamte samochody
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those cars
tamci chłopcy
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those boys
tamte komputery
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those computers
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ten komputer jest tani, a tamten jest drogi
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this computer is cheap and that ONE is expensive
Nie podoba mi się ta koszulka, ale tamta mi się podoba.
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I don't like this t-shirt but I like that one.
Nie kupuj tych butów, kup tamte.
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Don't buy these shoes, buy those oneS.

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