Adjectives / Verbs

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question American English réponse American English
commencer à apprendre
strike or propel forcibly with the foot.
commencer à apprendre
strike with the fist.
punching bag
commencer à apprendre
a stuffed or inflated bag, typically cylindrical or pear-shaped, suspended so it can be punched for exercise or training, especially by boxers; a punchbag.
commencer à apprendre
a representation of the external form of a person or thing in art.
commencer à apprendre
the way that someone or something looks.
commencer à apprendre
feeling or showing an envious resentment of someone or their achievements, possessions, or perceived advantages.
commencer à apprendre
feeling or showing envy.
to cheer someone up
commencer à apprendre
to make (someone) happier. We tried our best to cheer the children up.: to make (something) more cheerful or pleasant.

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