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pcontsmewewnetrzy, krajowy commencer à apprendre
domestic np domestic conflict in syria
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oślepiający, rażący (o świetle) commencer à apprendre
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fanatyczny, rozwcieczony np. wsciekły pies commencer à apprendre
regularny, stały, jednostajny np stały chłopak commencer à apprendre
steady np. steady boyfriend
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smiercionośny, smiertelny commencer à apprendre
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awareness, consciousness (czyt. konczysnes)
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jednorazowy, jednorazowego użytku commencer à apprendre
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nieszczwsliwy, przygnebiony commencer à apprendre
podatny (na chorobę), podatny (na pochlebstwa) commencer à apprendre
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be susceptible to something, Elderly people are susceptible to osteoporosis.
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ciasny o pomieszczeniu, waski o przejsciu commencer à apprendre
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ashamed, I am ashamed myself.
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idwalnie czysty o pomieszczeniu, niezkazitelnie czysty o ubraniu commencer à apprendre
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spare, Do you have a spare keys?
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rapid, I dont like rapid changes
natychmistowy, najbliższy commencer à apprendre
immediate, They made an immediate response
szlachetny, z poprzedniej epoki commencer à apprendre
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dizzy, When he saw his new car, he was almost dizzy with delight
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delight, I saw the delight on her face when she saw her new car
schludny, uporządkowany (np. dom, pokój, osob) commencer à apprendre
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deliberate, It was deliberate act.
niezwiazany z tematem, nieistotny commencer à apprendre
irrelevant, you are focusing too much on irrelevent details
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sincere(czyt. sinsier), My offer of help was sincere
nieunikniony, nieuchronny commencer à apprendre
inevitable, It was inevitable that she would find out the truth.
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urban, I'm tired of this urban life!
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defenseless(defensles), A man shot a defensaless passer by
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pure, He had ten grams of pure cocaine on him
znakomity, wyborny, wyśmienity commencer à apprendre
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wygasly, wymarly np wulkan, gatunek commencer à apprendre
extinct volcano, species(czyt. spicis)
zaniepokojony, zmartwiony commencer à apprendre
ciasny, obcisły (o ubraniu), naciągnięty, naprężony (np. lina, drut) commencer à apprendre
korzystny dla czegoś, sprzyjający czemuś commencer à apprendre
favourable for something, Today's conditions are favourable for sailors.
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abrupt, They made an abrupt change of plan.
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sore, I am sore after the ride
natychmiastowy, blyskawiczny commencer à apprendre
instant, The invention was a instat success.
obłąkany (np. osoba), szalony (np. plan) commencer à apprendre
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generous, It is very generous of you to pay my college fees
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stubbor, Kate is so stubborn that she just never listens
wykonalny, realny, oplacalny commencer à apprendre
feasible(fisibol), viable(wajabol)
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prophet(profet), The prophet said that this man will rise from the house of David
mieszkalny, nadajacy sie do mieszkania commencer à apprendre
nieprzewidziane np trudnosci, komplikacje commencer à apprendre
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logiczny, spojny, zrozumialy commencer à apprendre
radujący serce, podnoszący na duchu commencer à apprendre
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breathtaking, The view was breathtaking
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intriguing (extremaly interesting)
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far away, he house is far away from any bus route.
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dense, Population in this area is very dense
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rare, This type of disease is rare and very dangerous.
oburzający, skandaliczny, bulwersujący, horrendalny(horendalna cena) commencer à apprendre
outrageous, The price was outrageous!
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nie z tego świata, nieziemski commencer à apprendre
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hospitable, They are kind and hospitable.
zachwycający (zachwycajaca pogoda) commencer à apprendre
delightful, The weather was truly delightful.
dociekliwy, ciekawski, wścibski commencer à apprendre
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familiar, Her face looks familiar.
nieposłuszny, niesforny, niegrzeczny commencer à apprendre
naughty (czyt. nuti), He was punished for being naughty.
fantazyjny, wymyślny, ozdobny, luksusowy, kosztowny, elegancki commencer à apprendre
fancy, He invited me to a fancy restaurant.
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a willing, eager, Teachers like students who are eager to learn.
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reluctant, He gave her a reluctant smile.
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groovy, Her new look is groovy.
próżny, zarozumiały, zadufany w sobie commencer à apprendre
vain, She is so vain that only her appearance matters to her.
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uniwersalny, wszechstronny commencer à apprendre
szorstki, chropowaty (np. ręce), burzliwy, niespokojny, trudny, ciężki (np. okres) commencer à apprendre
rough, Jane is tired because she had a rough night.
szczodry, obfity, suty, (obfity obiad) commencer à apprendre
lavish, This dinner was lavish. I could eat everything I wanted.
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poważny, ciężki, intensywny(powazna choroba) commencer à apprendre
severe(sewir), He hardly recovered from a severe illness.
obszerny, rozległy (obszerne badania) commencer à apprendre
extensive, I've done extensive research on this topic.
markotny, ponury, humorzasty, kapryśny commencer à apprendre
nieokazujący szacunku, niegrzeczny, lekceważący, obraźliwy commencer à apprendre
nikczemny, podły(podla zbrodnia) commencer à apprendre
despicable, Only a monster could commit such a despicable crime
naganny, karygodny (o zachowaniu) commencer à apprendre
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zaniepokojony, zatroskany commencer à apprendre
anxious, She gave me a anxious look
dziurawy, prożny, pusty, bezwartosciowy commencer à apprendre
przestarzały (nieużywany, nieprodukowany, np. o urządzeniu) commencer à apprendre
obsolete(czyt. obsolit), The company uses obsolete technology.
potworny, straszliwy (np występ) commencer à apprendre
excruciating, Their performance on stage was excruciating.
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blind, He is blind in his right eye
przyzwoity, porządny, miły (o osobie) commencer à apprendre
decent, He's a decent young man
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bare (czyt. bere), His feet, like the rest of him, were bare
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naked(czyt. nejket), She looked down at her naked body
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ostateczny, roztrzygajacy commencer à apprendre
rozdrazniony, poirytowany commencer à apprendre
annoyed, She was annoyed that nobody ask.
godny uwagi, niezwykly, godny odnotowania commencer à apprendre
remarkable, The computer is remarkable feat of technologu.
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creadible, His statement is creadible.
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bajeczny, fantastyczny, piękny commencer à apprendre
fabulous, This city is fabulous, I love it.
zasadniczy, najważniejszy commencer à apprendre
principal, Harry Potter is the principal character in this book.
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zabawny, zajmujący, przyjemny commencer à apprendre
entertaining, She is very entertaining
delikatny, łagodny, subtelny commencer à apprendre
gentle, You have to be gentle.
jednolity, zjednoczony, połączony commencer à apprendre
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hostile, You should control your hostile atitude.
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relative, It's all relative.
charakterystyczny, wyróżniający się commencer à apprendre
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contingent(czyt. contindżent), random We can not allow our plans to be interruptes by contignent cause.
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comprehensive, He offered us a comprehensive explanation.
ukradkowy, potajemny, podstępny commencer à apprendre
sneaky, The guy is sneaky. I wouldn't trust him.
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carcinogenic(czyt. karsinodżenik), This substance is suspected of being the most carcinogenic of the three.
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tricky, Is this a tricky question?
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sufficient, We have sufficient amount of water
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acquainted, familier, Employees should be fully acquqinted with emergency procedures.
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banned, This organization is banned in democratic Poland.
zatrzymany, przetrzymywany (np. w areszcie) commencer à apprendre
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ogólnoświatowy, na światową skalę commencer à apprendre
worldwide, This is a worldwide event.
niejasny, niewyraźny, nieokreślony, mętny, mało precyzyjny commencer à apprendre
vague (czyt. wejg) (not clear),
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trustworthy, reliable, Was the source of this information trustworthy?
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fickle, One can never tell what may happen in this fickle world
nieprzemijający, trwający wiecznie, nieskonczony commencer à apprendre
wstrętny, obrzydliwy, zmierzły commencer à apprendre
disgusting, think smoking is a disgusting habit
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wary, I tried to teach her being wary
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They were trying to cut throught solid rock.
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convincing, persuasive, She was so convincing that we've all believed her.
pamiętny, godny zapamiętania, zapadający w pamięć commencer à apprendre
mylący, wprowadzający w błąd commencer à apprendre
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Partial, He only gave me a partial answer
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nadmierny (np. wpływ, pośpiech), zbytni (np. entuzjazm) commencer à apprendre
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compassionate, She is a compassionate woman, truly devoted to her patients
stały, trwały, nieprzemijający commencer à apprendre
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undue, excessive, The police used excessive force.
do unikniecia, dajacy sie unikac commencer à apprendre
zaangazowany, zainteresowany commencer à apprendre
involved, Only the involved can stay on meeting.
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roughly, approximately, Our wedding is roughly six months away.
niepokonany, nieprzegrany commencer à apprendre
odsłonięty, na odsłoniętej pozycji, wystawiony na ciosy, trudny do obrony, czuły commencer à apprendre
exposed, vulnerable, The security company says this is the most vulnerable point.
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careless, The boy was careless and crossed the street on a red light.
oszukańczy, podstępny, podchwytliwy commencer à apprendre
underhand, tricky, It was an underhand trick.
chaotyczny (np. o notatkach), niespójny commencer à apprendre
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frosty, What a frosty morning! I need a warmer coat.
ponury, smętny, niewesoły, marny (np. widok na przyszłość) commencer à apprendre
bleak, My future looks bleak.
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profane, I won't stand your profane language
okropny, wstrętny, obrzydliwy commencer à apprendre
awful, That food smells awful.
sztywny, drętwy (o osobie) commencer à apprendre
He's really wooden. He never laughs.
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niespotykan, Today's unprecedented instability calls for determined action.
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rigit, The matter in a neutron star is about as rigid as matter can get.
cenny, drogocenny, wartościowy (np. o czasie, przedmiocie) commencer à apprendre
precious, She doesn't want to lose her precious time waiting for me.
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rozradowany, rozentuzjazmowany, radosny commencer à apprendre
przyszlosciowy, perspektywiczny commencer à apprendre
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thoughtful, contemplative
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mesmerising, Her eyes are really mesmerising
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wary, alert, When you look after children, you have to be alert all the time
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nutritious (niutriszys), You should start each morning with nutritious breakfast.
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adolescent, He has no idea how to talk to adolescent boys.
ogromny, olbrzymi, kolosalny commencer à apprendre
tremendous, He was driving with tremendous speed, it's a miracle he's alive!
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humid, The air was so humid that it was hard to breathe.
cenny, drogocenny, wartościowy (np. o czasie, przedmiocie) commencer à apprendre
precious, costly This ring is priceless. We should donate it to the museum.
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obligatory, compulsory(kompolsory), Attendance is compulaory.
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bezinteresowny, altruistyczny (o osobie) commencer à apprendre
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shoddy (szodi), The women was wearing shoddy jewellery.
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długotrwały, nieprzerwany commencer à apprendre
najwyzszy (o wladzy), najwazniejsza (ofiara), naczelny commencer à apprendre
supreme, Our soldiers died for us they made the supreme sacrifice
nieproszony, niezamawiany commencer à apprendre
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profound, She felt profound sadness.
zajety przez kogos innego commencer à apprendre
occupied, This fitting room is occupied
dożywotni (np. tytuł, stanowisko), dozgonny (np. wdzięczność), na całe życie (np. przyjaciel) commencer à apprendre
Lifelong, Jake is my lifelong friend.
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rozsądny, rozumny, przy zdrowych zmysłach commencer à apprendre
bezbolesny (nie powodujący bólu), nietrudny (np. sposób podróży, wywiad) commencer à apprendre
painless, The doctor confirmed that this treatment is painless.
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oszukanczy, mylny, zwodniczy commencer à apprendre
deceptive, misleading You should now that appearances can be deceptive.
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thirsty, I'm thirsty, I will take a coke.
kleisty, nieciekawy (problem) commencer à apprendre
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ruthless(rutless), Hitler was a ruthless leader.
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thrifty(trifti), My dad always taught me to be thrifty with money. This has helped me through some really tough times.
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nieodwracalny, nieuleczalny commencer à apprendre
do przewidzenia, dający się przewidzieć commencer à apprendre
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rejuvenating (redżuwenejting)