Acciones habituales

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to wake up
Has he woken up yet?
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¿Se ha despertado ya?
to get up
I hate getting up early in the morning.
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Odio levantarme temprano por la mañana.
to take a shower
I think you really should take a shower.
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Pienso que realmente deberías ducharte.
to brush (one's) teeth
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lavarse los dientes
to work
I often work from home.
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A menudo trabajo desde casa.
to dress
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Primero desayuno luego me visto
put on the clothes
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ponerse la ropa
Cuando voy a montar en bici me pongo patalon corto.
to watch television
commencer à apprendre
ver la tele
have breakfast
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to eat / eat dinner (esp)
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have lunch/dinner (latam)
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have supper
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to do / practice a sport
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hacer deporte
go to gym
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ir a gimnasio
to clean
You should clean the kitchen immediately.
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Debes limpiar la cocina inmediatamente.
to study
What is your sister studying?
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¿Qué está estudiando tu hermana?
to do the cooking
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Do shopping
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hacer la compra
go shopping
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ir de compras
go for a walk
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to walk
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take/walk the dog
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sacar/pasear al perro
take the bus
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coger/tomar el autobus
be on your phone
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estar con el movil
to put one's make up on / to make (oneself) up
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to make plans with friends
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quedar con amigos
to get together with friends
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encontrarse con amigos
to go for a drink
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ir de copas
to drive a car
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conducir el coche
to leave the house
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salir de casa
to come back home
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volver a casa
to rest / to have a rest
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to chat
I was chatting with my colleagues.
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Estaba charlando con mis colegas.
I'm going to walk to the park
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voy a caminar al parque
to relax
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prepare dinner
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preparar el amuerzo/la comida
to take out the rubbish
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tirar la basura
look at yourself in the mirror
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miarse en el espejo
lie down/go to bed
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fall sleep/sleep
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to have afternoon tea/lunch
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daily activities
commencer à apprendre
actividad diarias

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