Abstract art

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zawojować / wziąć coś szturmem
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to take sth by storm
The play took London by storm. (NiV)
to nie jest nic warte
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it's not worth anything
Ona ma 12 lat.
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She's 12 (years old).
dwunastoletnia dziewczyna
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a 12-year-old girl
do not say: a 12-years-old girl
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to jest taki wkurzający wiek
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it's such an annoying age
krytyk, recenzent (np. filmów, sztuki)
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a critic
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a compliment
Chcę być znana za mój własny styl.
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I want to be known for my own style.
porównywać do czegoś / kogoś
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to compare TO sth / sb
Stop comparing me to my sister. (NiV)
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a painter
w wieku lat 12
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at (only) 12 years old
Ona maluje od 10 lat.
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She's been painting for ten years.
dekada / 10 lat
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a decade
She's been painting for a decade.
od ponad dekady
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for over a decade
Zaczęłam malować, gdy miałam 9 miesięcy.
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I started painting when I was 9 months old.
to start + verb+ing
kawna / płótno malarskie
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a canvas
Mój tata kiedyś malował.
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My dad used to paint.
raczkować (o dziecku)
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to crawl
I started crawling on the canvas.
właściciel galerii
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a gallery owner
od tamtej pory
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since then
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na całym świecie
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across the globe
Byłam w Londynie.
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I've been to London.
do not say: I've been in London.
Maluję co kilka dni.
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I paint every few days.
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the universe
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a violin
Chcę pokazać, że cały wszechświat śpiewa.
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I want to show that the whole universe is singing.
mimo że
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although (she's young)
brutalny, okrutny, surowy
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harsh critics
podważać coś (np. czyjś talent)
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to question sb's talent
Nie mam nic przeciwko.
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I don't mind.
Każdy powinien mieć swoją własną opinię.
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Everyone should have their own opinion.
gryźć coś
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to bite sth
He usually starts biting a painting if he doesn't like it.
zachęcać, mobilizować, przekonywać, ośmielać
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to encourage
My parents encourage my art.
do końca życia
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for the rest of my life
I want to do it for the rest of my life. (NiV)

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