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This is a good fortune for him to promote to the new position in his company
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Behaving in an angry and violent way towards another person If I criticize him, he gets aggressive and starts shouting.
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Something or someone that is very large The office buys paper in bulk to keep down costs.
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Used to describe feelings such as pleasure or pain that are extremely strong, or qualities that are extremely good, great. Very beautiful and delicate The food in Vietnam is really exquisite.
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Looking or tasting extremely good, and giving great pleasure This is a delectable cheesecake.
Tasty (gradable adjective) commencer à apprendre
(of food) producing a pleasant flavor and feeling in the mouth when eaten
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To relax completely or not allow things to upset you. You try to go Bui Vien Street at night and chill out with your friends.
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The act or party of saying or showing that you are grateful (harmomy, thankful)
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At first, at the beginning Initially, I think you are a extrovert person.
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In away that was not expected or regarded as likely He died unexpectedly of a heart attack.
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Finally, in the end, especially after a long delay series of problems Eventually, after a long day, I arrived at the hotel.
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The fact or quality of being on time Punctuality is a good character that I want to have.
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(of fruit or crops) completely developed and ready to be collected or eaten. Those bananas aren’t ripe yet - they’re still green.
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Not polite, offensive or embarrassing It’s really rude when you don’t say sorry if you do something wrong to the other
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to deal successfully with a difficult situation. I have to cope with a lot of work in my company.
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To cook by dry heat in an oven or similar
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An ending of a relationship or partnership, or separate.
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To ask someone if they would like to have sth or if they would like you to do sth I want to offer this position for you, because I think it’s suitable.
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To stop a person from speaking or doing for a short period by sth you say or do She tried to explain what had happened but he kept interrupt her.
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to have formal discuss with someone in order to reach an agreement with them Tomorrow I will negotiate about my salary with my boss.
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take (sth) away or off from the position occupied.
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Study intensively over a short period of time just before an examination. I have to cram allnight for the final test in my university.
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To add more of sth so it increases in quantity. I tried to build up my confidence in my first year in my university.
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To give freedom or free movement to someone or something. Writing diary is my best way to release the stress.
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Think sth should be correct, right before you know the truth. I suppose I and you could be friend back after breaking up.
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To think confidently that something is true. I believe in Karma, what we do, we will get back.
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The direction which sth face to light. Should not let your skin expose to the light.
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Work late into the midnight
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Something that you say when it is rainning heavily. I’m staying home because it’s raining cats and dogs outside.
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start your day with energy with enthusiasm. Sleep well will help me attack the next day.
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To boil a liquid down to a thick sauce The sauce was too thin and needed to be boil down.
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To control, decide or influence what will happen. Your habit will determine your personality.
Pavement (in UK) commencer à apprendre
A path with a hard surface on one or both sides of a road, that people walk on Hurrying to catch up her brother, the girl accidentally forgets her purse on the sidewalk.
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To travel together in someone’s car, making a regular journey to work or school. Ron’s father carpooled to work each day to a chemical plant an hour away. The campaign asks drivers to voluntarily carpool or use the bus on high pollution days.
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Something that a person feels morally or legally forced to do You can just look - You’re under no obligation to buy this wine. The government has an obligation to assist relief efforts.
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Stop working or stop thinking about work If I feel exhausted, I will try switch-off from work for a while and do sth help my de-stress (reduce stress)
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To make your body or your arms and legs straight so that they are as long as possible, in order to exercise the joints yawning là ngáp “I’m so tired” she said, yawning and stretching
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A sweet fruit, usually with a green skin and a lot of juice, that has a round base and is slightly pointed towards the stem These pears are still too firm to eat. The pear tree they planted has never borne fruit.
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To break the rules in a way that you consider unimportant or not harmful Lobby is the way that lots of people in Vietnam using to bend the rules.
Play by the rules commencer à apprendre
To adhere to the rules, strictures, or conditions imposed by person or body of authority. She’s always been attracted to bad boys who don’t play on the rules.
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Something is coming up/ moving to different new situation. I almost feel the brink of love, but then fail.
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I’d be delighted to go to see a movie with you tonight.
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(Sth or s. one that gives) great pleasure, satisfaction, or happiness Delight (noun - verb) I read your letter with great delight.
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Full of activity, or very busy and fast My day is hectic. He has a hectic schedule today.
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It had rained and sleeted the night before.
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Containing extremely small drops of water in the air New York is very hot and humid in the summer.
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A brief rain, or a light fall of snow. You’re soaked! Did you get caught in the shower?
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A type of open shoes, often made of rubber, with a V-shaped strap that goes between the big toe and the toe next to it A lot of people wear flip-flops when they go to the beach.
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A type of soft, comfortable for wearing inside the house He put on his bathrobe and slippers.
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A strip, square or triangle of cloth, worn around the neck, head, or shoulders to keep you warm or to make you look attractive. He had a wollen scarf around his neck.
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Do you prefer a plain or striped shirts?
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Not decorated in anyway, with nothing added
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A situation in which you balance two opposing situation or qualities. For some car buyers, lack of space is an acceptable trade-off for a sporty design. This is a trade-off between my career and my family.
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Someone live with others and learn characteristic from them. His enthusiasm is starting to rub off on the rest of us.
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To exhibit sth, such as a trait or emotion, to a great degree. With our trip just days away, the kids are totally brimming over with excitement
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The feeling of being entertained or made of laugh. Or an activity that you can take part in for entertainment We watched the film with great amusement. She look at him with amusement.
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A narrow road or path between buildings She walked quickly down the alley.
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A wide road with trees or tall buildings on both sides/ A method or way of doing sth Only two avenues are open to us - accept his offer or file a lawsuit. We walked down a board avenue lined with trees.
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The meat from the front part of the body of a bird or other animal. Would you prefer breast of chicken? I had a cold chicken breast and a salad for lunch.
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A large, round vegetable with large green, white, or purple leaves that can be eaten cooked or uncooked. We have grown a lot of cabbages this year. If you overcook the cabbage it’ll turn to mush.
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A tropical fruit with thick, green, or purple skin, a large, round seed, and green flesh that can be eaten. A Japanese sushi chef working in California put avocado in a sushi roll instead of fatty tuna.
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An oval, purple vegetable that white inside and is usually eaten cooked. Cook over slow fire or in moderate oven till the eggplant is tender.
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A large oval fruit with a yellowish skin and sweet orange flesh. yellowish = sightly yellow In Vietnam, you can made a soup by papaya.
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A sea creature with a long body and ten arms situated around the mouth. They caught a 13-meter-long squid instead of the fish today.
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A small sea animal with a shell and ten legs Pleeded prawns = to remove the skin of prawns (peel = remove the skin of fruit or vegetables. Like can you peel the apples) Prawns are greys when they’re raw, and turn to pink when they’re cooked.
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Involving a lot of effort or activity in a short period of time. I think I need to take an intensive English course in 3 months to improve my speaking skill as soon as possible.
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Made to look new again by work such as painting, repairing, and cleaning. The company sells refurbished goods for as much as 50% off.
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A pipe of things arranged one on top of another./ A large amount Don’t worry, we’ve got stacks of time. He didn’t work even he had a stack of paper.
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To ignore or not deal with something. Whenever I feel tired, I will try put aside my work for a while.
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(of food) needing to be crushed a lot with the teeth before it is swallowed. The meat was tasteless and chewy.
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1 - Any unpleasant thick soft subtance. 2 - If you say your brain has turn to mush, it means you cannot think clearly. 3 - If you describe sth such as book or film as mush, you mean it is too emotional. The movie was just romantic mush. If you overcook the cabbage it’ll turn to mush.
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A large hole or empty space / A feeling or unhappiness because s. one or sth is missing. Are you tired trying to fill that void?
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To do sth that involces risks that might result in loss of money or failure, hoping to get money or achieve success/ to risk money, for example in a game or on a horse race I like to gamble when I play cards - it makes it more interesting. Anyone who gambles on the stock exchange has to be prepared to lose money.
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Walk around without the direction I usually wandering around if I feel empty.
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Of or from a very long time ago/ Very old This computer is ancient - I’ve got to get a new one. People have lived in this valley since ancient times.
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Someone who is skilled in playing music, usually as a job The concert features dancers and musicians of all nationalities.
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A place of outside entertainment where there are machines for riding on and games that can be played for prizes. I usually take my kids to the funfair on the weedkend.
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A person who wants everything to be perfect and demands the highest standards possible. She’s such a perfectionist that she notices even the tiniest mistake.
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Mentally and emtionally well-developed, and therefore responsible/ Completely grown He just wasn’t mature enough to keep that girl.
Sarah, Close your eyes and make a wish. commencer à apprendre
They decorated the wedding car with ribbons and flowers. commencer à apprendre
To add something to an object or place, especially in order to make it more attractive.
I congratulated my friend because he just got a promotion at his company. commencer à apprendre
To praise someone by expressing pleasure at that person's success or happiness.
It takes me about twenty minutes to commute from Tan Phu to NGS company every day. commencer à apprendre
To make the same journey regularly between work and home.
Today I traveled to work by train. commencer à apprendre
to go from one place to another on a trip, usually over a long distance.
He is a materialist guy because he always has as much as money. commencer à apprendre
someone who believes that having money and possessions is the most important thing in life
Passengers are reminded to take all their personal belongings with them when they leave the plane. commencer à apprendre
the things that a person owns, especially those that can be taken with you He led a simple life, with few belongings, and never owned a home of his own.
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A long motor vehicle with comfortable seats, used to take groups of people on jouneys/ Someone whose job is teach/train people to improve at sport, skill, or school subject. We go around the city by coach.
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To travel on large ships for pleasure They’ve just set off on a round-the-world cruise.
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A subtance used for cleaning, especially your face. I use cleanser on my face every night.
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An object that is beautiful rather than useful Garden ornaments such as statues and fountains.
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A number of metal rings that are connected together and attached to a larger ring, and often also to a decorative object, used for keeping your keys together. He carries his new apartment keys on key chain that reads “Dont Mess with Texas”
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A small decorative magnet used for fastening messages and notes to a fridge. His picture appears on tee shirts, fridge magnet, key rings, and plates.
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The activity of visiting interesting places, especially while on vacation We did some sightseeing in Paris. Are you going to go sightseeing this afternoon?
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An effort or attempt to do sth Writing is a very different endeavor than teaching
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Pain caused by sth being wrong with one of your teeth I have terrible toothache.
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A pain in the inside part of your ear
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We may feel ill when we have a stomachache.
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To send air out from the nose and mouth in an explosive way that you cannot control. He has all the classic symptoms of a cold - the coughs and sneezes and the sore throat.
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A thick, soft piece of cloth that is pressed to a part of a person’s body to help a healing process. Apply warm compress to infected area.
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In a detailed and careful way We went through the report thoroughly but couldn’t find the information anywhere.
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To use water to clean the soap or dirt from sth First apply shampoo to hair and then rinse thoroughly./ Rinsing with warm salt water before bed.
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A medical condition in which the body temperature is higher than usual and the heart beats very fast.
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Come on, concentrate! We don’t have all day to do this./ I can’t concentrate on my work with all that noise./ Im going to concentrate on my writing for a while.
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To try to do or continue doing sth in a determined way, despite having problems If I had persevered, I probably would have gotten the job
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To suddenly become unconscious for a short time, usually falling down Anh ta ngất xỉu khi nhìn thấy máu/ Tôi suýt ngất trong nhiệt độ đó He faints at the sight of blood./ I nearly fainted in the heat.
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In the state of not being awake and not aware of things around you, especially as the results of a head injury. She was hit on the head by a stone and knocked unconscious.
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An advantage or sth extra, such as money or goods, that you are given because of your job. A company car and a mobile phone are some of the perks that come with the job.