A one minute TEDx Talk for the digital age

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question réponse
era / epoka cyfrowa
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a digital age
Wow, jaka publiczność
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Wow, what an audience!
jeśli mam być szczery...
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If I'm being honest...
Nie obchodzi mnie to.
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I don't care.
Nie obchodzi mnie co myślicie o moim przemowie.
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I don't care what you think of my talk.
źle coś zrozumieć
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to get sth wrong
większość ludzi
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most people
Most people get it wrong.
przypadkowa osoba
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a random person
a random person scrolling Facebook
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długość koncentracji uwagi
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an attention span
Young children have quite short attention spans.
18-minutowy ted talk
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an 18-minute Ted talk
do NOT say: an 18-minuteS Ted talk
minęły lata (od jakiegoś wydarzenia)
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it's been years
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it's been literally years
nie przedłużaj
nie kombinuj / nie komplikuj
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keep it quick
keep it simple
w mniej niż minutę
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IN under a minute
I'm doing mine (talk) in under a minute.
ostatni kawał
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a final joke
We have time for one final joke.
Dlaczego balony są takie drogie?
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why are balloons so expensive?
inflacja / pompowanie balonu
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The inflation of the balloons will take up a lot of our time.
Inflation is currently running at 5%.

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