A day in your life

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question réponse
get up
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have a shower
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brać prysznic
get dressed
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ubrać się
have breakfast
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zjeść śniadanie
have lunch
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zjeść lunch
have dinner
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zjeść kolację
go to school
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iść do szkoły
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uczyć się
go home
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pójść do domu
go to bed
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iść do łóżka
What time do you get up?
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O której wstajesz?
What time does she get up?
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O której godzinie ona wstaje?
What time does he get up?
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O której on wstaje?
I get up at 7 o’clock am
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Wstaję o siódmej godzinie
She gets up at
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Ona wstaje o
He gets up at
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On wstaje o
Does she get up at six?
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Czy ona wstaje o szóstej?
Yes, she does.
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No, she doesn't.
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What does she do every day?
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Co ona robi każdego dnia?
Does she have lunch at school?
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Czy ona je obiad w szkole?
Does he have shower after dinner?
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Czy bierze prysznic po kolacji?
She/he has breakfast
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Ona / on je śniadanie
She/He goes to school
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Ona / On chodzi do szkoły
She /He studies English
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Ona / On uczy się języka angielskiego
She/he doesn't get up at 10.
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Ona/on nie wstaje o dziesiątej.
She/he doesn't have breakfast.
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Ona / on nie je śniadania.
What time is it?
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Która godzina?
It's seven o'clock
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Jest siódma
It's quarter
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Jest kwadrans
It's quarter to two.
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Jest za kwadrans druga.
It's quarter past ten.
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Jest piętnaście po dziesiątej.
It's half past five.
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Jest piąta trzydzieści.
in the morning
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in the afternoon
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po południu
in the evening
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We have breakfast at ten o'clock in the morning
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My jemy śniadanie o dziesiątej rano
We have dinner at four o'clock
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My jemy obiad o czwartej
We get up in the morning
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My wstajemy rano
Zosia is nine.
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Zosia ma dziewięć lat.
She eats cereal for breakfast
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Zjada płatki na śniadanie
She drinks milk at school
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Pije mleko w szkole
She has meatballs for dinner
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Na kolację je klopsiki
I get up early
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Ja wstaję wcześnie
I have breakfast at 8 o'clock
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Jem śniadanie o ósmej rano
I go to school at half past nine.
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Chodzę do szkoły trzydzieści minut po dziewiątej.
I have lunch at one o'clock.
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Mam lunch o godzinie pierwszej.
I go home at five o'clock.
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Idę do domu o piątej.
I have a shower at half past seven.
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Mam prysznic o wpół do ósmej.
I go to bed at ten p.m
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Idę spać o dziesiątej wieczorem

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