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Miejskie żerowanie
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Urban foraging
to find food (in this case, in the natural areas within a city)
I never thought that urban foraging would be so popular
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a way of doing something that does not damage the environment or deplete natural resources
Europe is making a big move away from fossil fuels like gas ang oil and moving towards sustainable energy like wild, water, or solar power
zmienić przeznaczenie czegoś
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the repurpose something
to use something again but for a different purpose
I often repurpose things by making jars into candle holders or tennis rackets into mirrors for the wall
redukcja emisji
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reducing emissions
to lower the outputs of greenhouse gases that are doing harm
companies these days are taking special care to be nicer to the environment and reduce emissions
ślad węglowy
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a carbon footprint
the total greenhouse gas emissions caused by an individual
companies reduce emissions so that they can have a lower carbon footprint
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a plant with small, green leaves, used in salad or on a sandwich
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nuclear power
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nuclear power
the power produced when the nucleus (central part) of the atom is divided or joined to another nucleus
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a raised line of water that moves across the surface of an area of water, especially the sea
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turbiny przybrzeżne
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off-shore turbins
turbiny lądowe
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on-shore turbins
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a hard black substance that is dug from the earth in pieces and can be burned to produce heat or power or a single piece of this
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a flop
wyczerpać, zużyć,
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Gazy cieplarniane
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greenhouse gases
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pionierski nowatorski
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cutting edge
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mikrocząstki tworzywa sztucznego
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microparticles of plastic
może wchodzić w interakcje z jedzeniem
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it can interact with food
nagroda, dar
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bazar osiedlowy
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local market
to trochę naciągane, prawda?
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that's a little far-fetched isn't it
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para wodna
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water vapor
cząstki zanieczyszczeń
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pollution particles
plastikowe opakowanie
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plastic packaging
kto wie, co przyniesie przyszłość?
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who knows what does the future hold
tania siła robocza
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cheap labor
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a large table or a small shop with an open front from which goods are sold in a public place
jedzenie tylko lokalnie wytwarzanych produktów i żywności
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eating only locally made products and foods
korzystanie z alternatywnych źródeł energii, takich jak wiatr słoneczny lub woda
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using alternative energy sources like wind solar or water
kupno i prowadzenie samochodu elektrycznego
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buying and driving an electric car
żerowania i uprawy własnej żywności
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foraging and growing your own food
posiadanie pojemnika na kompost na balkonie lub w ogrodzie
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having a compost bin on your balcony or in your garden
kupowanie tylko ubrań i przedmiotów przetworzonych z czegoś innego
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only buying clothing and items repurposed upcycled from something else
codziennie jeździć na rowerze lub chodzić do pracy
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riding a bike or walking to work everyday
recykling wszystkiego, co możesz
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recycling everything you can
dowiedzieć się, jakie produkty spożywcze nie są przyjazne dla środowiska i bojkotować swoje produkty
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finding out what food manufacturers aren't environmentally friendly and boycotting their products

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