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poproś go aby zapytał ojca o pieniądze
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ask him to ask his father about money
poprosić o przysługe
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ask for a favor
poszło dobrze
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it went well
poproś o pieniądze
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ask for money
poproś o wypicie
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ask to drink
poprosiłem go o pieniądze a potem poprosiłem ją aby to wypiłą
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I asked him for money and then asked her to drink it
byłem w pracy
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I was at work
będe to robić zawodowo
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I will do it professionally
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czy możesz mi polecić szczyt z widokiem na jezioro?
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can you recommend me a peak where I can see the lake?
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rarely/ not often
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rare/ not common
poślubie cie
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I will marry you
na ścianie (powierzchna)
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on the wall (surface)
na przystanku(przy)
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at the bus stop (near)
jaki jest widok z pokoju?
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what is the view from the room?
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szukam pieniędzy
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I'm looking for money
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