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to call back
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to return your call
wgrywanie plików na dysk
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upload files for the drive.
instalowanie aktualizacji
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installing updates
udostępnianie dokumentów za pośrednictwem maila
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sharing documents via email
W miarę postępów.
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As you move forward.
uczenie się na błęach
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learning FROM mistakes
wachlarz emocji
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a range of emotions
small steps
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small strides
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poruszać się po złożonych problemach
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to navigate complex issues.
Jestem w trakcie postępowania rozwodowego.
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I am in the process of divorce proceedings.
Mąż oskarża mnie o to,że utrudniam mu kontakt z dzieckiem.
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My husband accuses me of not facilitating his contact with child.
robić długi
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to make debts
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to deal with emotions
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to cope with emotions
I can't find the way to deal with anger.
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I can't find the way to manage my anger.
bez "with".
keeping a diary
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ujście dla twoich emocji
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an outlet for your emotions
ustalanie granic
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setting boundaries
uzupełniać coś
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complement something
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wybitnie, zadziwiająco
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a fellow countrywoman
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to emphasize sth
Bez uszczerbku dla ciebie.
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Without compromising you.
wakacyjne okazje
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holiday deals
opowiadać dowcipy
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to CRACK a joke.
How to give polite feedback when someone is pushing its legs apart.
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WOULD YOU MIND moving your legs a bit.
założyć bluzę tył do przodu
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put the blouse ON BACKWARDS.
to finish the marathon
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to compete the marathon
powiadomienia (w telefonie)
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żeby poinformować wszystkich na bieżąco
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to keep everyone updated
to participate in meeting
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to attend meeting
without "in".
Mecz został przełożony.
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The game was postponed.
nagły wypadek rodzinny
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family emergency
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You shouldn't drive reckless.
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to sign up
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to enroll
Let's enroll in the course.
The low, creaky voice, that seems like your vocal cords vibrate slowly.
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fry voice
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rozwiązywać problemy bez wywoływania konfliktów
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to adress the issue without causing a conflict
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motor coach
travelling by motor coach
lista życzeń podróżniczych
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travel wish list
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przedmioty wartościowe
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obrządek pogrzebowy
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funeral rite
Co najbardziej fascynuje cię w piramidach?
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What fascinates you the most ABOUT the pyramids?
going back in time
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stepping back in time
skomplikowane wzory
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intricate designs
czy to starożytne, czy to nowożytne
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WHETHER its ancient or modern

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