7.01.21 ablo

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question réponse
ty/my/oni byli
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you / we / they were
nie tak dobre jak
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not as good as
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I had to
ostry ból
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strong/sharp pain
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plan wyjazdu do togo
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plan to go to togo
nie lubie nikogo
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I don't like anyone
zrobiono nam test
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we were tested
zmień coś w swoim zachowaniu
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change something about your behavior
on tego dnia
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from that day
do tego dnia
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until that day
zrobiliśmy dobry biznes
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we did good business
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święta się skończyły
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the holidays are over
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spotkam się z tobą za tydzień
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I'll see you in a week
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I observed
uprzejmy dla innych ludzi
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polite to other people
zrobię to dla ciebie
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I will do it for you
związane z
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connected with
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nie przerywaj mi
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Do not interrupt me
jeden po drugim
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one after another
nie naruszaj mojej przestrzeni osobistej
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do not invade my personal space
poprawię się
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I will improve
musisz poprawić swoje zachowanie
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you need to improve your behavior

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