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admired- podziwiany
I admire my grandfather every day
obszar wiejski
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rural area
My wife come from a rural area (komorno)
obszar miejski
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urban area
I have lived in a urban are for 30 years (opole, london)
strefa podmiejska
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suburban area
I live in a suburban area. (komprachcice)
CEO (dyrektor naczelny)
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CEO (Chief Executive Officer)
He is likely to become the next CEO
prawdopodobnie prawdopodobnie
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likely, probably
She is likely to become my future wife. She is likely to have more children
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Her attitude to life is disappointing. Stop with that attitiude!
lubić, do / w
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FRAZAL, sb is/are into
I am into driving a car. She is into my.
być w centrum uwagi
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be the center of attention
She always have to be in the center of attraction
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Could stand me a beer
przyjmij to na wiarę
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take it on faith
take sth on faith
I pay you back, take it on faith
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rzucili się do szpitala
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rushed to hospital
zerwałeś się z nóg
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rushed off your feet
godziny szczytu
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rush hours

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