commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
Good morning, can I come in?
commencer à apprendre
Good morning, yes, of course!
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Good morning, will you excuse me?
commencer à apprendre
Bom dia, Faça o favor de entrar commencer à apprendre
Good morning, please come in
Estou atrasado. Peço desculpa commencer à apprendre
Peço desculpa pelo meu atraso commencer à apprendre
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It was hectic (gorączkowy, pospieszny)
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It didn't run very well (Nie poszło zbyt dobrze)
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Professora, qual é a página? commencer à apprendre
Teacher, what is the page?
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Como é que se escreve...? commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
Como é que se lê esta palavra? commencer à apprendre
How do you read this word?
Esta palavra lê-se assim: commencer à apprendre
This word reads like this:
Como se diz (esta palavra) em português? commencer à apprendre
How do you say (this word) in Portuguese?
commencer à apprendre
In Portuguese it is said...
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Posso ir à casa de banho? commencer à apprendre
May I go to the bathroom?
Dá-me licença que vá à casa de banho? commencer à apprendre
Will you excuse me to go to the bathroom?
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commencer à apprendre
Já terminou os exercicios? commencer à apprendre
Have you finished the exercises?
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Tomar a pequeno almoco/café, leite commencer à apprendre
Have breakfast/coffee, milk
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Vou para a trabalho/vou trabalhar commencer à apprendre
I'm going to work/I'm going to work
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Vez televisão / um filme / netflix commencer à apprendre
Time TV / a movie / Netflix
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Ir dormir/ir para a cama/ir deitar commencer à apprendre
Go to sleep/go to bed/go to bed
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