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very honest and moral, cnotliwy
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mała gałąź, wysoka pozycja
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oblężenie np. miasta przez policję
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sb like coach who tells you only positive things
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fall from, zostać obalonym
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support, opowiedzieć się za czymś
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wanting to make very big social or political changes, mesjanistyczny
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state of being freed from the power of evil, odkupienie
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stop sth such as plan from succeeding, torpedować,
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withdrawal from the market, wycofanie produktu z rynku
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complainant, powód, oskarżyciel
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sb who makes a profit by selling borrowed bonds, shares etc.
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keep, podtrzymać, utrzymywać
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managed badly, źle zarządzany
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sb who follows and watches another person in a frightening way, prześladowca
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think about, wyrazić opinię
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sb who tells people in authority or the public about dishonest or illegal practices
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sb's health and happiness, dobrobyt
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angry and deliberately unfriendly, wrogi
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person who is very determined and aggresive
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zaplombowany, zabezpieczony
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popełniać, dopuszczać się
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standardowy, konwencjonalny
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– a disease that causes the joints of your body to become swollen and very painful, zapalenie stawów
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to be free from, być zwolnionym z
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nieistotny, bez znaczenia
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zdalny, mało prawdopodobny
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exhibiting aggression, hostility, or combativeness
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nawiązywać do czegoś, robić aluzję do czegoś
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pionier, wynalazca, odkrywca
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sprytny, bystry, przebiegły
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akt oskarżenia, oskarżenie