5. Zwierzęta

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ten słoń je chleb
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the elephant eats the bread
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Ten człowiek ma słonia
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This man has an elephant
kaczka pije mleko
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the duck drings the milk
kaczka jest zwierzęciem
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the duck is an animal
krab pije wodę
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the crab drinks water
Koń to zwierzę
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A horse is an animal
to jest krab
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it is a crab
żółw jest zwierzęciem
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the turtle is an animal
mam kota
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I have a cat
mam kota
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I have a cat
pies je ptaka
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the dog eats the bird
ptak pije wodę
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the bird drinks the water
pająk pije wodę
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the spider drink water
dziewczyna ma mysz
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the girl has a mouse

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