5. If you could start a business, what would it be?

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I don’t wear much make-up. It always takes her ages to put on her make-up
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coloured substances that you put on your face to improve or change your appearance
Don’t buy things on impulse.
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a sudden desire to do something before thinking about whether it is sensible. on impulse (because of an impulse)
vintage clothes
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old but of high quality
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a tool for picking up small things. It has two movable bars that are joined together at one end.
The table was a real bargain. books at bargain prices bargain hunters (people looking for things that are cheap)
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something you buy cheaply or for less than its usual price
What dreadful weather!
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very bad or unpleasant
I get a good value
At only $45 a night, it’s great value for your money. cheap
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good/excellent etc value used to say that something is worth the amount you pay for it
Where did you purchase the car?
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to buy something
purchase formal to buy something
The view was impressive. a very impressive achievement
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something that is impressive makes you admire it because it is very good, big, important etc
What an amazing story!
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very surprising
BlackBerry Storm
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The BlackBerry Storm is a touchscreen smartphone.
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a feeling of great happiness and pleasure, or something that gives you this feeling
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a place where bread, cakes etc are made or sold
I’m just going to the shops. coffee/tea shop (where you can buy and drink coffee or tea)
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especially British English a building where you can buy things SYN store American English
I’m having some flowers delivered for her birthday.
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to take something to a place
on somebody’s recommendation We took the tour on a friend’s recommendation.
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when you suggest that someone should choose a person or thing because they are very good
Watch the video podcast. Are your views or opinions similar to any of the speakers?
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Yes... I also enjoy walking around bookstores and I buy books on impulse., I also enjoy buying food, and particularly food from farmers’ markets. like this one of Quarteira, all Wednesdays.
Read the text below about Val's shopping habits.
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Try to fill in the gaps.
Hi, I enjoy walking around the (1)
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Hi, I enjoy walking around the shops
and I buy things (2) books
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and I buy things like books
and make-up (3)
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and make-up on impulse
on impulse - when you buy on impulse you buy things you had not planned to buy.
but I always do my food shopping (4)
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but I always do my food shopping on-line
-it's such a fantastic service and you get everything (5) to your door.
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-it's such a fantastic service and you get everything delivered to your door.
Today I'm talking to people about (6) and innovative products.
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Today I'm talking to people about shopping and innovative products.
What (7) do you enjoy buying most?
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What items do you enjoy buying most?
This video looks at the topic of
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shopping and innovative products.
What items do you enjoy buying most?
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Match the people A-F to the statements 1-6.
D- Emma
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markets, antique markets and vintage clothes
F- Chris
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I love to browse around bookshops.
E- Joe
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I probably enjoy buying books the most and music as well.
C- Sue
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I love going to food markets, fish markets.
A- Liz
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I love buying plants for the garden.
B- Maria
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I should say like shoes, bags I think and make-up.
What sorts of things do you buy on impulse?
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food, books, clothes, shoes, handbags
Circle the FIVE items which the speakers say they buy on impulse: food, books, CDs, music, jewellery, plants, clothes, shoes, handbags, antiques, holidays, make-up.
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food, music, clothes, handbags, antiques.
What sorts of things do you plan to buy?
good value for money - something is worth what you paid for it. - the price is not too high
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Wtite true or false next to each statement.
a purchase ~something you buy.
Paul travels a lot for his work.
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The price of train and plane tickets are important to him.
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Emma doesn't need to plan what she buys because she has plenty of money.
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Damian plans before he buys a holiday.
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Damian plans before he buys anything costing more than £50.
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What recent product or service do you think is impressive? Read the responses bellow.
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Fill in the gaps using the words and phrases from the box, Match the statements with the people.
(?). Absolutely (?)! I mean I bought one and it's just, it's really (?).
taking a picture, iPhone, mobile phone, amazing, camera, changed my life, emails
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iPhone. Absolutely amazing! I mean I bought one and it's just, it's really changed my life.
Probably my (?)- I've just changed it to Blackberry Storm where I can get all my (?).
taking a picture, mobile phone, camera, emails
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Probably my mobile phone- I've just changed it to Blackberry Storm where I can get all my emails.
The new (?) that I saw on television, on the commercial. So you're (?) and you're seeing yourself on the other side.
taking a picture, camera
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The new camera that I saw on television, on the commercial. So you're taking a picture and you're seeing yourself on the other side.
If you could start a business or invent a product or service what would it be?
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Fill in the missing words and phrases.
I don't know. I'd like to sell (?) if you could sell (?) that would be good. I don't know how (?).
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I don't know. I'd like to sell joy if you could sell joy that would be good. I don't know how you could do it.
My (?) business is to have a thing called Sophia's (?) and to make really fantastic (?) that you can't buy in this country.
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My fantasy business is to have a thing called Sophia's Bakery and to make really fantastic cakes that you can't buy in this country.
I love the (?) so anything that would, kind of, bring more (?) to people's lives and expression - I think that would be great.
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I love the Arts so anything that would, kind of, bring more creativity to people's lives and expression - I think that would be great.
The people in the video podcast talk about buying things on impulse.
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What the people say, a or b.
Paul: a) Music, I suppose I buy that on impulse. b) Music, I always buy that on impulse.
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Paul: Music, I suppose I buy that on impulse.
Liz: a) Clothes, but not as much as I used to. b) Clothes, but not as many as I used to.
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Liz: Clothes, but not as much as I used to.
Maria: a) Well, I'm not that kind of person that buys things on impulse. b) Well, I'm not that type of person that buys things on impulse.
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Maria: Well, I'm not that type of person that buys things on impulse.
Damian: a) I saw a pair of silver tongs that looked like a great bargain. b) I saw a pair of silver tongs that looked like a great buy.
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Damian: I saw a pair of silver tongs that looked like a great bargain.
Sue: a) On impulse? Oh, dreadful! Handbags, that's probably my big impulse buy. b) On impulse? Oh, dreadful! Handbags, that's probably my biggest impulse buy.
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Sue: On impulse? Oh, dreadful! Handbags, that's probably my biggest impulse buy.
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Write your answers to the questions.
What sorts of things do you buy on impulse?
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On impulse? I buy books, gadgets, computer applications...
What recent product or service that you've seen do you think is impressive?
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The laptop that doesn't have a keyboard: Lenovo launches bizarre double screen 'Yoga Book'
If you could start a business or invent a product or service what would it be?
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A new source of energy

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