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za duzo, szał
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an occasion when an activity is done in extreme way especially eating drinking or spending money
watching, eating
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existing or happening in all parts of the world
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a hormone that is made naturally in the body and may also be given as a drug
porzuć substancję lub zachowanie
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quit a substance or a behavior
to stop doing something or live a job or a place
objawy odstawienia
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withdrawal symptoms
the unpleasant physical and mental effects that result when you stop doing or taking something especially a drug that has become a habit
odłączyć od czegoś, oduczyc, odzwyczaic
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to wean sb off sth
to make someone gradually stop using something that is bad for them
warunki zagrażające życiu
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life-threatening conditions
something which is very serious one that can cause death
raptownie odstawić
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go cold turkey
to stop doing or using something completely
plastry nikotynowe
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nicotine patch
a small piece of material with nicotine on it that a person can stick onto their skin to help them stop smoking
mieć konsultacje
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have counselling
process of speaking with someone and taking advice about your problems
mieć nawrót
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have a relapse
to become ill or start behaving badly again after making an improvement
mówić o czymś
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go on and on about sth
speaking for a long time
Mam trochę obsesji
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I've got a bit of an obsession
sth or sb that you think about all the time
I've got a bit of an obsession with bikes
sprawdzaj coś dalej
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keep checking sth
my sister always has her phone either in her hand or on the table next to her and she keeps checking it in the whole time
nic na to nie poradzę
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can't help it
to be not able to control or stop sth
I always look at my reflection whenever I walk past the shop window I don't think I'm vain but I just can't help it
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extremely interesting in sth, to a degree that some people find unreasonable
a friend of my brother's in an absolutely fanatical Arsenal supporter
mieć coś (o)
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have a thing (about)
to like or dislike sth or sb very much
my sister-in-law has a thing about not eating any processed food. she doesn't let her kids eat anything that's not home-made
polegać na leku/narkotyku
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rely on the drug
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kiedy jesteś uzależniony, tak trudno jest przestać
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once you are addicted it's so hard to stop
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majaczenie alkoholowe
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delirium tremens
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wielostronny, wielokierunkowy
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przekraczać granice
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push the limits
wrócić do złych nawyków
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fall back into bad habits
uzależnienie wpłynęło na wiele dziedzin mojego życia
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addiction affected many areas of my life
rzucić liceum
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drop out of high school
mój tata podrzuca mnie do restauracji
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my dad drop me off at the restaurant
Pracuję jako kucharz
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I work as a prep cook
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drove off
Nie mogłem przeboleć tego uczucia ogromnego rozczarowania sobą
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I couldn't get over this feeling of immense disappointment in myself
przezwyciężyć uzależnienie
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overcome addiction
tymczasowa ucieczka
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temporary escape
Mogłem po prostu pochłonąć się grami i grać godzinami
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I could simply get absorbed in games and play for hours and hours
gry oferują czyste konto na drabinie społecznej
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games offer a clean slate on the social ladder
na własnych warunkach
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on your own terms

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