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question réponse
niezbedne, konieczna
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essential, fundamental
styl zarządzania
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management style
podejście zespołowe
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team approach
rezultat finansowy
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financial result/ effect
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dział personalny
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human resources department
bardzo chwalony/ wychwalany
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well- praised
przywrócić blask
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restored lustre
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zszargać wizerunek firmy
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tarnished the image of a company
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pozostawać dochodowym
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to stay profitable
obecna sytuacja ekonomiczna
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current economic situation
aby poprawić wydajność
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to improve eddiciently
wycofać produkt z rynku
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take a product of the market, withdraw a product from the market
IT (technologia informacyjna)
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IT (information technology)
ICT (technologie informacyjne i komunikacyjne)
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ICT (information and communication technologies)
spalające mniej dwutlenku węgla/ paliwooszczędny
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poważny / groźny upadek/ nauczyciel/ zima
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severe fall/ teacher/ winter

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