3d printers

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to chip away at sth/ cut out, reduce gradually
He gradually chipped away at her confidence.
coś przebyło długą drogę od
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something has come a long way since
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layer on layer
dopiero po tysiącleciu
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only after a millennium
kiedy tysiąclecie się skończy
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as the milennium turned
proces rzemieślniczy
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craft process/ artisan process
podnieść swoją pewność siebie
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to boost your confidence/ to increase your confidence
Mam bardzo dobry wzrok.
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I have very good sight.
spędzać czas beztrosko, wygłupiać się
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mucking about with
(informal) spending time playing with something carelessly, not for a serious purpose
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a prototype
model of a product that can be tested, improved, and used to develop a better product
wyrazenie zaskoczenia lub niewiary
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Hold on a minute!
proteza kończyny
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man-made artificial body part such as an arm, leg, foot or eye, used to replace a missing natural part
specjalnie wykonany dla klienta
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custom-made, bespoke
specially made to meet the requirements of a particular person
zabierający dużo czasu
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taking a lot of time/ time consuming
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