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zaaklimatyzować się, zaadaptować się commencer à apprendre
give her some time to settle in
to have an argument with somebody so that you are no longer friendly with them commencer à apprendre
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pv- to make a particular impression commencer à apprendre
she comes across well in interviews / he comes across as a sympathetic person
v- to feel sorry for somebody, to show that you understand and feel sorry about somebody's problems commencer à apprendre
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adj- behaving in a secret and sometimes dishonest or unpleasant way commencer à apprendre
adj - (of people) behaving in a particular way or doing a particular activity only when it is Pleasant for them commencer à apprendre
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I have difficulty with things and she dropped me immediately
wild and Powerful (like the forces of nature) commencer à apprendre
used to say that somebody is/ would be happier or more satisfied because they are in a particular position or doing a particular thing commencer à apprendre
she's better off without him
tending to become angry, excited, or upset easly, and to behave in an unresponsible way commencer à apprendre
you never know what to expect with her. she's so temperamental
slow calm and relaxed, opanowany(o osobie) commencer à apprendre
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adj- very upset and anxious commencer à apprendre
n- a feeling of great warry and unhappiness: great mental pain commencer à apprendre
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to prevent yourself from having or experience a feeling or an emotion commencer à apprendre
to suppress a smile /she was unable to suppress her anger
adj- extremely bad or serious commencer à apprendre
severe pain and depression, a severe illness disease
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na pewno się stać na pewno coś zrobić, to normalne ze coś sie dzieje, commencer à apprendre
to normalne ze denerwujesz się przed swoim egzaminem you're bound to feel nervous before your exam
adj- that you cannot control or prevent commencer à apprendre
if somebody has a temper they become angry very easily commencer à apprendre
he must learn to control his temper
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bawić się czymś palcami/ wiercić się commencer à apprendre
skinąc glową np zeby sie z kims przywitac commencer à apprendre
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zaciskać usta (ze złości) commencer à apprendre
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obrzydzenie, wstręt, odraza commencer à apprendre
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życzliwość, uprzejmość, przyjazne nastawienie commencer à apprendre
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zainteresowania, zaciekawienie commencer à apprendre
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zaskoczenie, niespodzianka commencer à apprendre
chrząknąć (oczyścić gardło) commencer à apprendre
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are you satisfied with our trade?
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to obey a rule, an Order, Etc commencer à apprendre
all furniture must comply with fire safety regulations
to do what you are told or expected to do commencer à apprendre
he was arrested when he failed to obey a police instruction to stop
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his article failed to mention that he actually supported his change / if you fail to comply you can be fined
wykonanie, interpretacja (w muzyce, sztuce) commencer à apprendre
rude in a funny or annoying commencer à apprendre
impossible to imagine or believe commencer à apprendre
it is inconceivable that the minister was not aware of the problem
znienawidzona rzecz, coś co kogoś drażni commencer à apprendre
especially/ more than usual or more than others commencer à apprendre
the story focuses particularly on the character of Nelly
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he has a prejudice against people from different countries
okres dojrzewania płciowego commencer à apprendre
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ph- to join or become joined with somebody/something commencer à apprendre
the bands have linked up for a charity concert
n- a connection formed between two things commencer à apprendre
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ph- to explode, to be destroyed by an explosion, to destroy something by an explosion commencer à apprendre
the police station was blown up by terrorists
ph- to start suddenly and with Force commencer à apprendre
ph- to make something seem more important, better, worst, etc. than it really is commencer à apprendre
the whole Affair was blown up out of all proportion
niezgodne z tonacją, fałszywe w muzyce commencer à apprendre
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I knew he was being fair, but inside I cringed