33. Il y a ceux qui...

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ça attire les gens
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it attracts people
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the atmosphere
les vieilles choses, les vieux trucs
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the old things, the old things
un tracteur
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a tractor
montrer du doigt
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la gestion
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toucher un salaire
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earn wages
le rez-de-chaussée
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ground floor
un mi-étage
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a mid-floor
mon ancienne chambre
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my old room
le grenier
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le vide-grenier
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the garage sale
je les ai sensibilisés
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I made them aware
tu dois pas t’occuper de ton jardin
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you don't have to take care of your garden
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the building
les pour et les contre
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the pros and the cons
les avantages et les inconvénients
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the pros and cons
les draps
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les bougies
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the candles
les coussins
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the cushions
on est trop serré
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we are too tight
le hublot
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se saouler
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Get drunk
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se blottir contre le mur
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snuggle up against the wall
le parois
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the walls
le cendrier
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to chat somebody up
se faire draguer
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to get hit on
mon bagage va être mis
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my luggage will be put
si je suis pressée
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if i'm in a hurry
le compartement
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the compartment
la partie integrante
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the integral part
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à fond
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sauter le fil d’attente
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skip the waiting line

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