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question réponse
Qual é o seu nome?
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What is your name?
O meu nome é...
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My name is...
Muito prazer
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Much pleasure / Pleasure to meet you
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Equally / Likeweisse
Boa noite!
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Good evening!
Boa tarde, adeus
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Good afternoon, bye
Chau, até logo
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Chau, see you later
Até breve
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see you later
Até mais logo
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See you later
Até a próxima
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Till next time
Bom dia - Boa tarde / noite
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Good morning - Good afternoon / night
Olá! Tudo bem? - Tudo bem
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Hello! All right? - It's all right
Onde é a saída?
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Where's the exit?
Por favor, pode me dizer onde é a saída?
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Please can you tell me where the exit is?
Em frente, à direita
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Straight on the right
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As? (Come again?), Pardon?
Em frente, à direita
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Straight on the right
Obrigado pela sua ajuda.
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Thanks for your help.
De nada
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You're welcome / not at all
Onde são os telefones?
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Where are the phones?
Desculpe, pose me dizer onde são os telefones?
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Sorry, can you tell me where the phones are?
Lá em cima, no correio. O correio é à esquerda, a seguir ao banco e em frente da farmácia.
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Upstairs in the post office. The post office is on the left, next to the bank and in front of the pharmacy.
Como? Mais decagar, por favor.
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How / Pardon? More slow please.
Lá em cima
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Up there / upstairs
no (= em+o) correio
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in mail
O correio é à esquerda
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Mail is on the left.
a seguir ao banco
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after / next to the bank
e em frente da farmácia
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and in front of the pharmacy
à esquerda
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to the left
a seguir ao (= a+o) banco
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past the bank
Quero um pão e uma garrafa de água.
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I want some bread and a bottle of water.
em frente da (= de+a) farmácia
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in front of the pharmacy
mais devagar
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more slowly
certo ou errado
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right or wrong
perguntas e respostas
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questions and answers
lá em cima / lá em baixo
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upstairs / downstairs (or at the top / at the bottom)
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They are -perm.
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They are - terpor.
Onde fica a estação de comboio?
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Where is the train station?
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pardon / Sorry!
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information or information services/desk
recolha de baggagem
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baggage reclaim
senhora / senhor
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lady / sir
em frente
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in front / opposite / straight on
à direita
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on the right / to the right
à esquerda
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to the left / on the left
As lojas são em frente
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The shops are straight ahead.
As lojas são em frente da entrada.
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The shops are opposite the entrance.
a seguir a / depois de
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following / after
depois / antes
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before / after = are for time and sequence but can be used for location as well
O correio é depois do banco = O correio é seguir ao banco
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Mail is after the bank = Mail is past the bank
O correio é antes do banco.
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The post office is before (you reach) the bank.
Por favor
Por favor, perdoa-me.
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Please forgive me.
faz favor
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Por favor / Faz favor, onde é a saída?
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Please / Please, where is the exit?
Por favor / Faz favor
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There are two ways how to say Please i portuguese. Which ones?
Pode me fazer um favor?
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Can you do me a favor?

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