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We are watching it together
Tak, oni ciebie obserwują
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Yes, they are watching you
Co masz na sobie dziś wieczorem?
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What are you wearing tonight?
On lubi pływać
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He likes swimming.
Oni pływają w morzu
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They are swimming in the sea
Piję herbatę
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I am drinking tea
Kobieta pije piwo
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The woman is drinking beer
Piję mleko
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I am drinking milk
Dokąd on płynie?
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Where is he swimming to?
Patrzę na ciebie
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I am looking at you
Patrzymy na jedzenie
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We are looking at the food
On patrzy na siebie w lustrze
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He is looking at himself in the mirror
Gdzie idziesz?
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Where are you going?
Idziemy do muzeum a potem na plażę
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We are going to the museum and then to the beach
Co czytasz?
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What are you reading?
Czytam czasopismo
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I am reading a magazine
Idziemy do domu mojego brata
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We are going to my brother's house
Czy pada?
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Is it raining?
Pada deszcz
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It is raining
Ty śpisz
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You are sleeping
Mój kot śpi pod sofą
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My cat is sleeping under the sofa
Czytanie to moje hobby
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Reading is my hobby
Lubię czytać amerykańskie powieści
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I like reading American novels.
Nie pada deszcz
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It is not raining
Ona skończyła jedzenie
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She finished eating.

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