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grasz na jakichś instrumentach?
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do you play any instruments?
tak, gram na trąbce
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yes, I play the trumpet
uczę się grać na perkusji
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I learn to play the drums
gram w zespole zwanym Milenium
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I play in the team called Milenium
śpiewam w chórze
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I sing in a choir
jaki gatunek muzykę lubisz?
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what sort of music do you like?
jakie są twoje ulubione zespoły?
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what are your favorite bands?
jakie masz hobby?
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what are your hobbies?
czy masz jakieś zwierzęta?
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Do you have any pets?
posiadam dwa kameleony i żółwia
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I have two chameleons and a turtle

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