2_05.23r (13.06) III

 0    32 fiche    dominiktrypuz
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question réponse
You don't have to make dinner today
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Nie musisz dziś robić obiadu
bus will leave in 15 minutes
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autobus odjedzie za 15 minut
nobody is here
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nikogo tu nie ma
i will be playing drum until i become champion
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Będę grał na perkusji, dopóki nie zostanę mistrzem
I have been playing drums since 2015
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Na perkusji gram od 2015 roku
I was driving to you
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Jechałem do was
these days
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te dni
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na pewno
he has a habit to
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ma w zwyczaju
I left work a bit earlier
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Wyszedłem z pracy trochę wcześniej
Jack wasn't at work yesterday
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Jacka nie było wczoraj w pracy
I wouldn't do that in your place
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Nie robiłbym tego na twoim miejscu
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kazdy (w odniesieniu do ludzi)
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cokolwiek (w odniesienu do rzeczy)
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plotkowanie / plotka
You're getting on my nerves
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Denerwujesz mnie
I'm pouring soup into a bowl
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Nalewam zupę do miski
nobody was driving for three hours
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nikt nie jechał przez trzy godziny
she is nobody for me
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jest dla mnie nikim
we don't have enough books
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nie mamy wystarczająco duzo ksiązek
she isn't in the shop
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nie ma jej w sklepie
He doesn't do his homework
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On nie odrabia lekcji
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She gave me a present
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Dała mi prezent
I made dinner
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zrobiłam obiad
Pick up the phone
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Odbierz telefon
just now
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właśnie, przed chwilą
Did you ask her for permission?
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Zapytałeś ją o pozwolenie?
Did you go shopping yesterday?
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czy robiłes wczoraj zakupy?
Did you show our apartment to Mom?
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Pokazałeś mamie nasze mieszkanie?

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