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Reiterate enough
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do over again or repeatedly sometimes with wearying effect.
Be the talk of the town
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be a person or thing that many people in a town, city, etc., are talking about in an interested or excited way
Recruit muscles
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the process of determining which set of muscle forces will balance a given external load
walk down the memory lane
commencer à apprendre
talking, writing, or thinking about something that happened to them a long time ago.
commencer à apprendre
an imaginary paradise on earth, especially a remote and exotic utopia
mouth agape
commencer à apprendre
sb mouth is open very wide, often because they are very surprised by something
commencer à apprendre
(of a bee) to make a continuous low sound
commencer à apprendre
in a way that entertains and is funny
commencer à apprendre
having made a definite decision to do something and not letting anyone prevent you; bound and determined →​(North American English) very determined to do something
commencer à apprendre
(especially of a woman) having a lively, attractive personality He had three pretty, ... daughters.
commencer à apprendre
a medical condition in which part of an organ is pushed through a weak part in the muscle or tissue around it
to cluster
commencer à apprendre
to come together in a small group or groups
in clusters
commencer à apprendre
a group of things of the same type that grow or appear close together The telescope is focused on a dense ... of stars at the edge of the galaxy. The plant bears its flowers in...
commencer à apprendre
connected with what did not happen or what is not the case
to defy
commencer à apprendre
to refuse to obey or show respect for somebody in authority, a law, a rule, etc.
to drizzle
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when it is drizzling, it is raining lightly
commencer à apprendre
stopping and starting often over a period of time, but not regularly; synonym sporadic
commencer à apprendre
small in quantity and poor in quality; synonym paltry
commencer à apprendre
a restaurant that cooks and sells food that you take away and eat somewhere else
to drive sth home
commencer à apprendre
to make somebody understand or accept something by saying it often, loudly, angrily, etc.
commencer à apprendre
a punishment in which somebody is hit many times with a whip or stick; a public...
to flog
commencer à apprendre
o punish somebody by hitting them many times with a whip or stick
fly/go off at a tangent
commencer à apprendre
to suddenly start saying or doing something that does not seem to be connected to what has gone before
take sth with a pinch of salt
commencer à apprendre
be sceptical or not fully believe or trust something that has been said or heard
see eye to eye on sth
commencer à apprendre
have the same opinion or agree on something
go down a rabbit hole
commencer à apprendre
delve into a topic or discussion that becomes increasingly complex or time-consuming
put all one’s in one basket
commencer à apprendre
rely heavily on a single option or strategy, which can be risky
flog a dead horse
commencer à apprendre
continue discussing or arguing a point that has already been resolved or is no longer relevant
play devil’s advocate
commencer à apprendre
argue the opposing viewpoint in order to stimulate a discussion or challenge the prevailing opinion
be on the same page
commencer à apprendre
have a shared understanding or be in agreement about something

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