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question réponse
oprocentowanie, stopa procentowa
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interest rate
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on average
podróż służbowa
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business trip
przypominać sobie
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ostatni, trwać
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zmniejszyć inflację
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decrease inflation
rata kredytu
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credit instalment
być uznawanym za
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be considered as
w tak wysokich cenach
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at such a high prices
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materiały budowlane
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construction materials
punkt rentowności
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break-even point
sprzedać ze stratą
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sell at a loss
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oddawaç krwi
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donate blood
skutki uboczne
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side effects
wypełnij kwestionariusz
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fill in a questionnaire
wypełnij ankietę
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fill in a survey
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commencer à apprendre
płacić (3x)
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pay, paid, paid
jeździć (3x)
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ride, rode, ridden
wstrząsnąć (3x)
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shake, shook, shaken
stać się (3x)
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become, became, become
zacząć (3x)
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begin, began, begun
dmuchać (3x)
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blow, blew, blown
pełzać (3x)
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creep, crept, crept
kopać (3x)
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dig, dug, dug
upadek (3x)
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fall, fell, fallen
czuć (3x)
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feel, felt, felt
słysze (3x)
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hear, heard, heard
powiesić (3x)
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hang, hung, hung
mknąć (3x)
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speed, sped, sped
rzucać (3x)
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throw, threw, thrown
stać spokojnie
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stand still
brzeg rzeki
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river bank
każdy był
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everyone was
kazać komus coś zrobić
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make sb do sth
zmusić kogoś do zrobienia czegoś
commencer à apprendre
force sb to do sth
nie móc się doczekać
commencer à apprendre
look forward to + ing

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