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przechodzenie przez jezdnie w niedo commencer à apprendre
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nieumyślne spowodowanie śmierci / - / popełnić zabójstwo commencer à apprendre
He was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to four years.
defraudować, zdefraudować, sprzeniewierzyć (np. fundusze) commencer à apprendre
I never meant to embezzle money, and I'm not the man to do it.
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gangsterstwo, wymuszanie okupu, nielegalna działalność commencer à apprendre
He and his gang had turned racketeering into a fine art.
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obraza sądu, niezastosowanie się do nakazu sądu commencer à apprendre
The fines for contempt of court can be unbelievably high
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So far, a husband and wife have pleaded guilty in the case.
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The judge sentenced him for using obscene language in court.
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I'm giving testimony tomorrow.
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The court is expected to reach a verdict in a matter of weeks.
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Clinton was acquitted in his impeachment trial.
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If you forge a signature, you'll do it illegally.
nielegalne nagranie muzyki z koncertu, nagranie pirackie commencer à apprendre
wymuszenie, szantaż, wyłudzenie commencer à apprendre
At the local level, they are also involved in extortion and kidnapping.
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This left a legal loophole big enough for, well, a horse to ride through.
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zrobić falstart, zbytnio się z czymś pospieszyć, wyjść przed szereg commencer à apprendre
Doctors should wait for data instead of jumping the gun.
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przywoływać (np. obraz, wspomnienie) commencer à apprendre
She tried to conjure up some happy memories in order to ease the pain.
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We conjured up a demon instead of my late uncle.
niejasny, niewyraźny, nieokreślony, mętny, mało precyzyjny commencer à apprendre
But he was vague about who would do the work, or how.
geniusz, mądrala (używane ironicznie) commencer à apprendre
nagły koniec, raptowny koniec commencer à apprendre
But it all came to an abrupt end on Thursday.
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And then, as a bolt from the blue, I was struck by the great inspiration.
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Are you risking a sticky end as a boiled frog?
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handel narkotykami, przemyt narkotyków commencer à apprendre
drug trafficking, drug smuggling But drug trafficking is the world's problem, the President adds.
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He is a gloomy sort of person who never smiles.
peryferie, obrzeża miasta commencer à apprendre
They live on the outskirts of London
sparaliżować, unieruchomić (np. osobę, gospodarkę, ruch uliczny) commencer à apprendre
We crippled their communications, so they are helpless.
zaostrzać (zasady, przepisy) commencer à apprendre
bardzo się różnić od czegoś, w niczym nie przypominać czegoś commencer à apprendre
be a far cry from something
łagodny (np. klimat, wyrażenie, gest) commencer à apprendre
Nature may be pretty to look at, but it's not benign.
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Fraudsters are looking for new ways to trick you out of your money.
poczucie bezpieczeństwa (często będąc nieświadomym potencjalnego zagrożenia) commencer à apprendre
This sort of complacency could have cost me my life.
przypływ, napływ (np. gotówki) commencer à apprendre
This sudden influx of funds will be very helpful for me.