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to be on the move "I'm on the move all the time".
Trzymać rękę na pulsie.
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I'm on my toes.
Wbić sobie do głowy.
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My boss is trying to hammer this crazy idea home, I can't agree for that.
Nie ma gdzie palca wcisnać
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There is no room to swing the cat.
Naśladować, postąpić tak samo...
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follow suit "When one airline reduces its ticket proces, the rest usually follow suit.
Mieć niskie mniemanie o sobie
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to sell oneself short
ostry sprzeciw
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toe curling
wparować nieproszonym
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barge in
Myślę, że już niedługo będziemy mogli to zakończyć.
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I think we’ll be able to wrap this up pretty soon.
Nie do odłożenia (o książce)
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long - winded "The professor's explanation was so long-winded and complex that many students struggled to understand the main point"
metodą prób i błędów
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trial and error method
na wszelki wypadek „Przyniosłem parasol, na wypadek, gdyby później padało
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on the off - chance „I brought an umbrella on the off chance that it might rain later
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get something off the ground, "I have so many ideas, but I never seem able to get the off the ground".
Byli na tak
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They were all, "I invited Geri to the party and she was all awesome and then she didn't turn up.
ale czeka cię zabawa
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you are in for the treat
nie jestem pewny
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I'm not sure about that
zastanowię się
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let me have a think
brać pod uwagę
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bear in mind
potrzebuję chwili
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After seeing the price tag on the dress I needed a lie - down.
wiem czego chce
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I know my ow mind
mocna strona
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strong suit
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to a tee, suit you to a T

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