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stracić nad sobą panowanie
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to flip out
My mum is gonna flip out when she sees what happened to the car.
ciągnąć się, wlec
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to drag, to drag on
How wat the film? It was good but it really dragged on the end.
bardoz długo
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donkey's years
I've lived here for donkey's years.
znać na wylot np. miasto
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like the back of my hand
Don't worry. I know this city like the back of my hand. We'll find the place.
wnosić coś korzystnego, oferować coś przydatnego
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bring sth to the table
o kurczę; o rety; a niech mnie; cholibka
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to rain a lot
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it's raining cats and dogs.
nietakt, wtopa
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no - no
robić coś po mistrzowsku
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knock it out of the park
potknać się
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to trip
I wanted to make a good first impression but I tripped.
nieszczęścia chodzą parami
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It never rains but it pours
jest ogromna różnica
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There is a world difference
widzieć, dostrzegać różnicę
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tell the difference
Can you tell difference between British andAmerican accents?
mówić z sensem
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talk sense
trafić w sedno
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to hit the nail on the head
wyrażać na coś zgodę, zgadzać się na coś
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be down for sth
prawdę powiedziawszy
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as the matter of fact

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