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przepraszam za spóźnienie
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Sorry I'm late.
jestem zestresowany
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I'm stressed out
mam dobry nastrój
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I'm in a good mood
woleć coś od czegoś
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prefer something from something
zajmować się czymś
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take care of
wolę zostać w domu
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I would rather to stay home, i'd rather
polska kuchnia/ włoska kuchnia
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Polish cuisine / Italian cuisine
z drugiej ręki
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at second hand
zwracać uwagę na coś
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pay attention to something
nie zwracam uwagi na
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I do not pay attention to
on wymaga większej uwagi
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he requires more attention
nerwowy dzień
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hectic day
nie mam czasu na relaks
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I don't have any time to relaxation, I have no time for
zanieczyszczona woda
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polluted water
staram się unikać
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I try to avoid
woda kranowa
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tap water
robię to od zawsze
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I've been doing this for ages
nie wieżę Ci
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I do not believe you
nie znam jego
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I do not know him
nie rozumię jego
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I don't understand him
dobrze dzisiaj wyglądasz
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you look good today
to smakuje wspaniale
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it tastes great

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