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to czego od nich oczekujemy to duża wydajność
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what we expect from them is high efficiency
fracht (wymowa)
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w pracy
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at work
powiedz mu pare uprzejmych słów
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say a few kind words to him
uprzejmie dziękuje
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thank you kindly
kłade się na kanapie
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I lie down on the couch
naciskam guziki
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I press buttons
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odbiera telefon
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he answers/picks up the phone
to ma wpływ na naszą prace
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it has influence on our work
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special machine for a farmer to grow plants
do zjedzenia dla rodzica
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to eat for the parent
podkreśl to słowo w zeszycie
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underline this word in your notebook
musimy podkreślić znaczenie tego planu
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we must highlight the importance of this plan
inna kultura ludzi z którymi musimy pracować
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different culture of people we have to work with
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TV/netflix/hbo series

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