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nic dalszego od prawdy, nie ma nic bardziej mylnego
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nothing could be further from the truth
People say we're splitting up, but nothing could be further from the truth. I’m certainly not in love with him – nothing could be further from the truth!
wytrwały, niezmordowany, uporczywy
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He was one of the most determined, stubborn, persevering people I had ever met. She was persevering enough to reach the height of her ambition and become CEO. They have a persevering spirit through hardship.
wysadzić kogoś, podrzucić kogoś, podwieźć kogoś
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drop sb off
We dropped our luggage off at the hotel and went sightseeing. The van belonged to a delivery driver making a drop-off. School drop-offs cause traffic chaos in some cities.
zaangażowany, zagorzały, oddany, zadeklarowany
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The whole family are committed vegetarians. We are committed to the ideal of equality. We are committed to withdrawing our troops by the end of the year.
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Coincidentally or not, he has played his best since then. Coincidentally, the two players died within four days of each other. The pair meet again coincidentally, years later, both now with young families.
rozdzielić coś na mniejsze części
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break sth up
The company has been broken up and sold off. We’re breaking up our trip by stopping for a few days in Singapore.
wycofać, wycofywać (produkt z rynku, wypowiedziane słowa, uwagi, z jakiejś organizacji, z brania udziału w czymś, pieniądze z konta lub bankomatu,żołnierzy z jakiegoś miejsca), cofać (np. rękę, ramię)
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The UN has withdrawn its troops from the country. withdraw cash/funds/savings, withdrawn from the market, withdraw funding/support, withdraw an application/bid/offer, withdraw a remark/claim/statement, withdraw an accusation/allegation/complaint
przyjść w wyznaczonym terminie, przyjść na umówione spotkanie, dotrzymać terminu
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keep an appointment
She phoned to say she couldn't keep her appointment. There are still too many patients who fail to keep their appointments. They drove through the snow for hours in order to keep their appointment.
podkreślać, uwypuklać, eksponować, uwydatniać (np. kształty figury)
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I'd just like to emphasize how important it is for people to learn languages. He emphasized that all the people taking part in the research were volunteers. A good way to emphasize your interest in the job is to write a follow-up email.
kłaść nacisk na coś
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put emphasis on sth
put/place/lay emphasis on Schools here put/place/lay great emphasis on written work and grammar. I think we should put as much emphasis on preventing disease as we do on curing it. The school puts a lot of emphasis on teaching children to read and write.

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